May 28, 2020, 6:57am
Forum discussion among users interested in enhancing Manger’s value by using it’s extensive customization capacity, is probably best done on a Manager forum in my opinion.
Other forum members appear keen to cleans this forum of Manager customization discussions.
Perhaps a mutually agreeable solution would be to have a sub forum where all coding related posts could be moved to. That way those who don’t want to see such posts can just not go there and ignore them, and those wanting to customize Manager can share their experience and knowledge.
Of course a forum is not going to make all visitors instant programmers, and many will not be able to achieve the customization they want even with community support.
The forum software has the ability to put threads in categories such as ideas, bugs, smtp. I’m not sure if it has the ability to not show threads in a particular category, say Coding
Some forum users do offer coding support such as
The issue with themes as they are implemented right now is that they are way too abstract.
The benefit of being abstract is that you can create one theme and it works across all transaction types but they are really pain to customize and understand.
For example, it’s extremely painful even for me to reorder columns on theme. For example for Qty column to come first. This is because due to theme being so abstract, it has no concept of Qty column.
I will be making changes to make themes a lot m…
I’m struggling for like week or so, with invoice look and feel, especially when need to generate PDF because it is preferred way of getting output as stated multiple times here. So I must ask couple of things. I’m not asking for programming help, just best ways of doing things? @lubos
Is it must to use as container elements for output. I see all build in themes are based on tables. Will all
style codding work, no tables (maybe tables in line item and totals, but no allover)? , also …
I have created a brand new theme custom theme which I am very pleased with.
Everything is perfect except for one niggle that I don’t know how to fix because my html coding in tables is not that great. I want invoice date, Due Date, Invoice number in first column and Quote Number and Order Number in second column, similar to the way Business Address Details are in one Column and Invoice Details are in next column.
{% if business.logo != null %}{% end…
I created a second one for invoices because i needed three columns in my invoice printout which is description, qty and amount. Qty column does not work on receipt as it is not available for preview even in the built in theme. Find it below;
For POS 58 Printer - Invoice Theme
Setup: Go to the Themes section of Manager settings page, click on the New Theme button, copy the code below and paste in the Theme Textarea then Choose a name of your choice for the theme and click Create to save.
I am creating a custom theme.
I want the fields IssueDate and InvoiceNumber just to appear at the header of the theme with customized labels (not the invoice end date). How can I make it?
If you copy the theme you are using to a custom theme and insert this code:
{% capture amount %}{% for total in table.totals %}{% if total.label == "Total" %}{{ total.text }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture anc %}{% for total in table.totals %}{% if total.label == "Total" %}{% assign an=total.number %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture amount_in_words %}{% for total in table.totals %}{% if total.label == "Total" %}{{ total.number | spell_out }}{% endif %}{% en…
Find the line where it says {{ total.label }}
And change that to:
{{ total.label | replace: "Early payment discount", "Additional Discount" }}
Now look again in my reply, and you will see that I have explained. I never said DIVs cannot be used. I said that with DIVs you cant accomplish proper layout in PDFs, as @croyavi above also agree. I see that he made it, so my advice was correct. If you sometimes tried to go on further that standard themes and advanced custom layout you will know that. Also from user comments you could conclude the same. Also look in Guide mentioned, laying around DIVs are done nesting them inside TD/TR/TABLE ele…
You can change the src of the image (change {{ business.logo }})
{% if business.logo != null %}<td style="text-align: right"><img src="{{ business.logo }}" style="max-height: 150px; max-width: 300px" /></td>{% endif %}
I would like to specify a slightly different logo for an entity’s Custom Theme. The objective is to use this logo for a particular customer invoice.
The standard manager template is currently used so I understand for this particular logo change a custom template is required.
Two things:
Is Manager able to make / preserve the standard theme as a custom template?
Had a look and there only appears to be the modified / custom versions with colour and layout changes, no standard template build. …
I suspect a custom field with something like the following may work (note the number will need to be the actual suppliers of customers phone number).
<a href="tel:555-555-5555"><img src="path/to/phone/icon.jpg" /></a>
When Manager is viewed on a mobile phone than will call the number. On a Mac that will initiate a Facetime call. On other operating systems you will usually be prompted for your phone calling application.
or for a Skype call
<a href="callto:1234567">Call 123-4567</a>
the theme in your screenshot is designed to show as it appears. so it is not the problem with the theme. it is a problem only if the theme does not appear as it was coded to appear.
the number of custom fields is the choice of the user because every user has different needs as per the rules of their country. Manager cannot provide all fields as default.
if the line spacing is your issue, you can simply adjust the same in your theme.
{% for field in custom_fields %}
<td colspa…
Yes, they are. Many of them are arrays. For example, will be a customer, supplier, payer, payee, employee, or a blank, depending on the form being displayed. And cell.text can be a date, item, description, quantity, unit price, amount, tax code, etc., depending on the context. The program fills the array according to what data must be shown in a table.
Understand that themes do not use the same variables as may be present in the database. They use a set of variables necessary fo…
I found about Manager about 2 weeks ago. I’m trying it since, and must say I am pretty addicted to it. But as a programmer, I search, and search, and except numerous times people ask for it, and some workarounds, we never have any kind of “developer guideline”. I know the answer go and learn Liquid, but that aside even if you know it, we are still missing variables, data-binding names, custom field data binding names, tables and table fields, and all other exposed things in one place. Is there s…
serial number in item table, title on top center with top bottom border and if logo not set than company name show below title.
{{ title }}
{% if business.logo != null %}{%else%}{% endif %}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ business.address | newline_to…
As a result of this post it is probably best to not put too much effort into localisation at the moment. The following thread describes what can currently be done. I assume the future implementation will enable a larger range of use cases to be addressed and hopefully maintains relative ease of implementation for those with a good understanding of local tax requirements such as local accountants.
Background information
Development environment
The localisation development environment is acce…
I have recently started using the manager API. I want to create a bunch of useful scripts for requesting info, in Python.
@Lubos , this is great! I’m really glad, so many years on, to be so gladly still using manager. It’s grown my business greatly! Hopefully, this API will make life even easier. Could you comment on the status of the API? Do we have anything more than GET at the moment?
I was hoping this would become a useful place to have some ‘centralised’ discussion on the API, as I…
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