Payslip Items | Auto Calculation

Payslip Earning items mostly consists of

  1. Basic
  2. House Rent
  3. Other Allowance
  4. Any specific (organization would like to add)

While hiring a new employee, salary is discussed and agreed then HR used to issue appointment letter stating above details and issue monthly payslips on transfer of each pay.

We have learn that Manager supports for Recurring Payslips. Is it possible to devise a mechanism that can auto calculate above items based on common practices like basic is calculated at 66.67% and likewise for rest.

Secondly, certain organization give loan to employee which is deductible on agreed months. Is it possible that certain parameters are assigned and on complete recovery auto deduction is discontinued.

For the first payslip, clone one that is standard. Then use the calculation feature to modify it. See Then copy the edited first payslip to a recurring payslip.

Set an end date for the recurring payslip.

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But thereafter one has to remember to add another payslip again for the same employee.

Can we add this feature, as it existing in SI not appearing in Payslips.

This is already in the ideas category: No Until date on recurring payslips or journal entries.

As I told you in another post, please search before posting.