On recurring payslips and journal entries, it is not possible to set an Until
date the way it is for recurring sales or purchase invoices. (Note: the end dates for those do not work, and are the subject of another bug report.)
I’m not against program flexibility but what was the general use case for end date on recurrent payslips?
If an employee resigns we would delete the recurrent payslip. While on holidays I would delete the individual payslip created after checking it was for zero value. I suppose for a fixed duration contract having an end date entered may be useful.
For recurrent journal entries, I agree a general capability is definitely desirable as journal entries are the most general transaction.
Describing the behaviour on the bug, idea, program operation, design feature spectrum, I’m not sure I would select bug but it is good to bring attention to the behaviour.
A post was split to a new topic: Payment amount from payslips
I’m agree to have no until date on recurring journal entries
hopefully that feature will be soon
I have several recurring JE’s to release prepaid expenses e.g. hangar rent and aircraft insurance. When I pay for these I charge the invoices to a “Prepaid Expenses” control account made up of special accounts. I have special accounts for different categories of prepaids - e.g. insurance, rent etc. I then set up recurring JE’s to expense on a monthly basis. An end-date (until date) on JE’s would really make this process slick and eliminate the possibility of “over expensing” if I don’t catch that the prepayment has been “used up” when recording the JE’s.
I just added my VOTE to add an end-date to recurring JE’s.
Until date for recurring journal entries added to the latest version (21.1.13)
For payslip I would really appreciate an offset between the date shown on the payslip and the date the recurrent payslip is generated.
Doing so enables data entry prior to the end of the pay period, facilitating timely staff payment (which they value) and payment staff work load distribution.
I tried changing the system time to run the recurring payslip but that caused other problem on the computer.
Every company I have ever worked for closes its payroll period some fixed number of days—usually a week—before paychecks are distributed or direct deposits made. This is done for precisely the reason you mention. But I see no reason an offset is required to accomplish this. Enter all paysips on day X, make payments on day X + 7. You can even process the payments ahead.
You assume your staff are happy to be paid 1 week after the end of their pay week. My staff are paid well before then. Doing so involves generating the payslips in Manager earlier (before the end of the pay period) and entering data earlier.
Actually it is a more general problem:
if I’m sending out a document from Manager with a date visible to the other party on it, the time my employees want to start working on it is related to the published date but often is not that date.
The time difference depends on the details of a businesses work flow.
The same work flow dependancy occurs with recurrent invoices as well recurrent payslips
Thank you!
Can you please update for Until date option of Payslips.