It is a common practice that organization yearly increase
Employees pay
Please let us know the efficient way of updating the incremental salary along with possibility of any adjustment during the year considering performance or promotions etc.
Selling price of goods / service
Item are created as Inventory for good and non-inventory for services. Whereas, our prices vary from geographic location therefore items has been set with Standard price however customer are recorded with discounts with respective to their location, beside any additional discount for bulk purchases or early payment. Please guide us how we can manage increment and discounts for thousand of customers.
There is no method for changing employees’ pay in bulk. If you are using recurring payslips, you must update them one by one.
You cannot do that in Manager. If you have different prices for different customers or locations, you either need an external pricing tool or separate items for different customers (which would not be practical for thousands of customers).
You need to start searching the Guides and forum before posting. Almost all your many questions have been previously answered. In this case, see Batch create/update recurrent payslip.
I am not expert, if definitions are stored somewhere there should be a possibility for updating in bulk otherwise what you are suggesting is a very lengthy exercise to update each employee details on a yearly basis.
If we opt for the second suggestion, is it possible to select multiple transactions so one can create multiple recurring invoice at the same time otherwise task will be duplicate first to create payslips then select each and copy to recurring invoice.
Considering our frequent multiple queries please come up with a solution as we are planning to fully integrate HR Module in Manager along with other features.