There are several situations in Manager when it would be desirable to have jurisdiction specific code which generates a value during user data entry. Examples I can think of include:
- Tax tables when entering a payslip, see Automating calculations in Payslips
- Depreciation schedule calculations
- Cost Price Sale Price Markup Field Idea
- Fetching a QR code when electronically submitting an invoice, see Real-time invoice verification by tax authority and European Digital Invoice
I do not know how practical this is, as I do not know the back end implication in Manager, but a possible front end way of doing this would be to extend “Report Transformations” by:
Adding a custom field type which calls a specified “Report transformation”.
This field type could just show as an update button on the data entry screen
As well as the current ability to read Manager data, this “Report transformation” would need to be able to write date to existing user editable fields. So not writing data to Managers database directly, just pre-filling the current form. I’m not sure if this would be best done by allowing writing to any entry field or just allowing writing to the field the transformation is attached to (and allowing it to be attached to system fields). Error messages could be reported via a similar (or the same) mechanism.
Jurisdiction specific electronic data submission could be supported by allowing https communication from within the “Report Transformation”
Not sure how practical any if this is but it may provide a method for Manager to maintain compliance with various jurisdiction specific electronic data records which will probably become more prevalent in the future.