Payment amount from payslips

Thanks for the insight. Interesting I use recurring payslips for the similar reasons as you suggest future dated payslips. The approach I use is:

  • Create a recurrent payslip for every employee who is paid fairly regularly. Set payslip to be generated on the last day of the pay period for that employee.

  • Pre fill the recurrent payslip with what ever information is relatively constant for that employee. So casual employee have an hourly rate but blank hours. Full time employees have hourly rates and base hours but blank overtime etc.

  • Manager reminds me when pays need to be reviewed (number of employees to be processed is shown).

  • Pay period specific information is added when payslips are reviewed such as actual hours (or zero if they didn’t work), overtime or holiday pay etc.

  • Recurrent payslips are updated as employee conditions change eg hourly rate, usual hours.

  • Recurrent payslips are deleted when employee leaves and new entries created for new employee.

For a partner doing administrative work; I pay them on regular basis to comply with typical arms length employment requirements, so use a recurrent payslip. I assume by ad hoc you mean you don’t consider paying them on a regular (as defined by Managers recurrent payslip timing options) basis. Indeed pre-planned irregular payment intervals is something future dated payslips could do. Employer liability for future dated payslips has the potential for differing requirements.

For my use case I haven’t the need for irregular pre planned payslip intervals, so I think I might stick to recurrent payslips, as they appear to be more efficient to use.