Editing & Updating Custom Fields (classic) Cloud Edition


Custom Fields have changed quite dramatically, in my opinion for the worse I might add. In the classic format you could see what the document was going to look like etc, now it’s left to memory or back reference etc…

I need to edit and update NOTES on certain documents, which I do and I click on UPDATE, it files it at the bottom of the list of Custom Fields, but does not reflect on new documents (or old)…

For instance our company banking details have changed and was in position 3 of the invoice, with the other note catergories which include Terms of Payment etc…NONE of the new documentation generated reflects the new banking details etc, I’m editing the form manually and populating it manually.

How do I fix this please or what am I doing wrong…?

You don’t say whether you are actually using new style custom fields or only complaining about them.

If you are reporting what you believe is misbehavior, you need to show screenshots of a custom field definition, an Edit screen of a transaction where the field is used, and the View screen of the same transaction.

Tut, nothing changes with you, all the years I’ve been using Manager, you remain the most unhelpful entity in existance…if you don’t intend on helping, please let someone else assist and comment and you go on being your unpleasant self…

Otherwise skip my first paragraph were I express and opinion (last time I looked, as a paying customer, I’m entitled to), suggesting I preferred the CLASSIC version, if that hurts your sensitivities, get over yourself mate…

For the rest, it’s very self explanatory, even you should understand what I’m talking about…

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I think you’ll be lucky to receive help from other forum members if you don’t provide the basic information and screen shots that @Tut asked for, and if you respond in that tone to someone trying to help you.

I struggled to make sense of your opening post, despite reading through it several times and being a long-time user of Classic and other custom fields. I’m not going to spend time trying to decipher it and simulate your situation if you are not going to make the effort to illustrate it clearly with screen shots and the basic information asked of you. Perhaps someone else will, but remember that we all help voluntarily, even @Tut. Try not to mistake his brevity for a personal attack, lest you miss out on the vast knowledge and experience that he can offer you. I see nothing in his post that should have caused you offence.

I encourage you to read the forum FAQ, particularly the sections about Be specific, Be respectful and Be civil.

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It’s a nice closed community, I realised that 4 to 5 years ago when Tut and my “beef” started…That’s why I stay off the Forum as much as possible…Over that period, I don’t believe Tut has assisted me with any of my queries, the last one I went back to Manager (I think in Australia) and a pleasant enough young fellow assisted me in resolving my challenge (still all on eMail)…

In my header I indicated I’m using Classic and on Cloud Edition we’re always up to date on version updates…And I have gone through FAQ, as well as guides before I went onto forum…

And your comment on Tut’s brevity being acceptable, because he’s knowledgable, is unacceptable, what’s good for the proverbial goose, is good for the gander…Respect and Civility, insofar as specific, I thought my comments were simple, straight forward, obviously not…

No one can answer that if you won’t show what you are doing.

That’s not what I said. His reply was brief and asked for some simple information and screenshots. I don’t see any reason for you to take offence from it. If you can reply in a civil manner with the information and screenshots that he requested I’m sure he’ll be glad to help you. Why do you think he responded in the first place?

The most I can guess at from your opening post is that you are not using Form Defaults. If you don’t provide us with the information that @Tut asked for then I can’t help you any further.

Tut, I’m not great on systems, I use Manager as a tool for my businesses, which I’ve done for many years now…I’m going to attempt to do screen shots of what I’m doing and what’s not happening, if I don’t get it right, I’ll get my son to assist me tomorrow…I was a little concerned putting a screen shot up of my banking details, but I’ll see if I can either cross it out or delete it in the examples…

Thanks for reverting…

Graham, please read my initial, very polite and civil enquiry and read response (and not selectively), I do not care to get into this discussion with you, all I want to do is resolve a challenge and Tut has subsequently reverted and I’m going to try and do this screenshot thing and upload etc, otherwise I’ll get my son to assist me with it tomorrow…

Fair enough. I have no problem with your initial enquiry, except that I struggled to understand it.

Great. Windows has a very useful screenshot facility that will enable you to block out sensitive information such as bank details. I’m sure other operating systems do too. Once you’ve found your way around that I’m sure we’ll be able to help you resolve your challenges.

Thanks Graham, greatly appreciated…

I hope I’ve done this screenshot thing correctly, but here goes -
Image 1, I go into setting
Image 2, I go into CUSTOM FIELDS
Image 3, It shows me Classic Custom Fields
Image 4, I go into Classic Custom Fields, which shows me all the NOTES I have on all the different documents
Image 5, you can go into all these notes and edit them or even make new notes etc, then click on UPDATE etc…I also show you a note that I edited, the company name from Vi-biZ to Vi-oN Buzniz…
Image 6, is part of an old invoice and you can see the note hasn’t been updated…

And if you go back into settings, custom fields, then classic custom fields, the changes have been saved and are updated here, BUT it’s not reflecting either on new doc’s generated or existing doc’s…

So I gather I’m doing something wrong, I just don’t know what and DAMN I don’t want to redo all the doc notes which I’ve done over many years…

I hope I got this correct…

Please show the edit screen of a new document where you claim the updated information does not appear

Okay, that’s really strange, in the edit screen the update is outside of and below the box it’s supposed to be in…that’s got me really confuddled…

Thanks, that makes things a lot clearer.

In the edit page for the custom field, the Description field is for internal purposes and does not carry through to the field on the documents themselves. From the guide:

Description provides a place to explain a custom field’s purpose to users. Information entered here does not appear anywhere on a transaction form.”

You need to look at the Form Defaults for the various transaction types and make the changes to your notes there. Unfortunately this will only affect new transactions and will not retrospectively change old ones. But you should be able to change the old ones with Batch Update.

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Thanks Graham, the problem is, if I go into Settings, as illustrated, I no longer have FORM DEFAULTS on my system, it would seem…(I got that from GUIDES, but I couldn’t find Form Defaults in my settings section…

Form Defaults have moved from Settings and are now at the bottom of the relevant transaction pages. For example, to change the form defaults for sales invoices go to the Sales Invoices tab, etc.

You might also want to look at using Footers for this kind of information.

Yep, thanks again, I feel right a right NANA now, my problem is solved…I’ve got to read what Manager publishes in their updates and News Letters etc…I wear a few hats in my businesses (no excuses) but even though I’ve been using Manager for many years, I’m no system expert…

I must make an effort to keep up to date…I been working on this for 3 days now, before I came to the forum, such a waste of time and such a simple solution, thank you…


If you’re used to doing things a certain way for a long time (like looking for Form Defaults in Settings), it’s not always obvious to know where to look when it changes, or what terms to search for when things don’t work as expected. I’m glad you came to the forum despite your reservations, and that your challenges are resolved. Hopefully you’ll be able to get the batch updating done with minimal trouble, if that is required.

Speaking of the newsletter, I don’t think I’ve received one for a while…