Add ability to clone inventory item or clone non-inventory item. I frequently have to re-use 90% of the content of an existing inventory item and just change part code, product name, price and one or two words in the description field.
If you want to support an idea, like it. That’s how things will be sorted. Your +1 will be ignored by the web site.
Thanks @Tut
I would LOVE to have this feature!
Any update on this feature being introduced?
Everything creatable (Vouchers/Transactions, reports, budgets, items, employees, customers etc) everything should be clonable
Including me! My clients frequently say that they need two of me!
all these ideas, bugs and suggestions… @lubos would wish there was an option to clone himself…
I know the feeling. Been there, done that lol.
If there is anything that seriously needs cloning here it is @lubos Hasko . Mr Hasko really needs to clone himself. I really do feel the pressure he handles
And also my boss expect me to pop up in everything. After giving me an assignment that requires me to work 24/7 he still expects me to show up in every meeting and everything. I’m sure he thinks i have a clone option.
Just renewing my interest in this. I’ve already liked it previously, but this is something I do every week when suppliers change products or I source new products from elsewhere.
Future posters, don’t write +1
it doesn’t count for anything, add your LIKE () to the post and let the uncloned developer know how much you like the idea
I don’t know if there are technical obstacles to doing this or not. But I will note that all cloning occurs while Viewing transactions. Inventory items don’t have View buttons, only Edit, and they are not transactions. Customers, suppliers, employees, and capital accounts also cannot be cloned. I suspect duplicating entries in lists like these would entail a totally different concept.
i think the Clone option should be moved to the list screen from the present view screen when introducing bulk operations with a check box for all transactions. this would enable users to clone inventory, customers, suppliers, etc which cannot be viewed.
yes, we would like to have clone function for inventory
I would also like to see clone on non-inventory items
Can we get an update on the introduction of the cloning feature for inventory items?
This would really be of help to me and save me a lot of time as I am adding inventory items on almost a daily basis, most of which have little changes to other items.
I’m sure that this would be a very handy feature that many people other than I would like.
Decisions to incorporate and schedules for introducing new features are almost never announced. When they are, they are frequently only estimates. There are 144 suggestions in the ideas category.
It would be good if they did have a view button.
I have several extra fields for my inventory items. some of these I don’t want to see every time I do something so I don’t have the field selected to be shown on forms or as a column.
it seems strange that when I just want to view some information recorded against an item that I have to go into the editing area instead of having a view option.
@CoastalHobbies, you would get to a View screen from exactly the same place as you get to the Edit screen, so it would make no difference to your workload. Meanwhile, as you know, I already put this suggestion into the ideas category. That is all I can do. There is no point in your continuing to justify the idea further.