Aged Receivables report breaks if no Due Date is entered

There’s a problem with the Aged Receivables report.

Invoices that are created without a Due Date all seem to come up under an “Overdue” column, even if they were just created. I would think that an invoice without a Due Date would always be current (“Coming Due”), by definition.

Here is an example. The $127.16 invoice has a due date that hasn’t arrived yet, while the $600.00 invoice has no due date:

In the Aged Receivables report, the $127.16 invoice appears appropriately as Coming Due (current), while the $600.00 invoice appears incorrectly as 1-30 Days Overdue:

Furthermore, clicking on the $600.00 hyperlink under the 1-30 Days Overdue column brings up an empty New Sales Invoice screen instead of bringing up the Sales Invoices ledger for the supposedly overdue invoice. Clicking on the $127.16 hyperlink under the Coming Due column brings up a table with all the invoices for this customer, including the $600.00 one and even a third one that was paid off 2 months ago (which shouldn’t be there at all, really).

I agree with Coming due column. I just noticed that on customer statements invoices without due date would always show under Current section. So I fixed aged receivables to be consistent with customer statements and also renamed the column from Coming due to Current.

As for drilling-down, this wasn’t implemented correctly when viewing historical aged receivable reports so that has been fixed too as well.

The exact same improvements have been done on aged payables too.

Upgrade to the latest version (16.8.78) to see how it looks now.

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Just noticed that clicking on the blue due or overdue amounts in the Aged Receivables Report does not display the Invoice/s in question. Version (16.8.80) is the same.

OK I see this only occurs if you select “Today” for the report. Previously it worked for “Today” date as well.

@compuit, should be fixed in the latest (16.8.81)

Fantastic, thank you.