[17.9.63] Cloud edition now supports custom domains

This is a bit unusual release as it relates only to customers on cloud edition however it’s worth mentioning.

Currently, all customers access Manager Cloud using their *.manager.io URL. Starting today, if you are using cloud edition, you can hook up custom domain name to Manager Cloud at no additional cost.

In other words, if your cloud edition URL is currently yourbusinessname.manager.io, it can be changed to accounting.yourbusinessname.com or anything you like. This means your URL doesn’t have to contain manager.io branding anymore.


The instructions are pretty generic. Basically all you need to do is to setup CNAME record for your custom domain which will point to your Manager Cloud URL. That’s it.

Step 1

Log into your domain provider’s site, and find where you manage your DNS settings. Depending on your provider, this may be called Zone File Settings, Manage Domains, Domain Manager, DNS Manager, or something similar.

Here, you’ll create new record so your subdomain correctly links to Manager Cloud.

Step 2

In your provider’s DNS manager, create a CNAME record with these values:

  • Name, Alias or Host Name: Your subdomain. For example, if you’re connecting accounting.yourbusinessname.com, you should enter just accounting
  • Type or Record Type: CNAME or CNAME Alias
  • Value or Points to: yourbusinessname.manager.io (this is your URL in cloud edition)
  • TTL or Time to Live: Set TTL to 1 hour (3600 seconds)

Every DNS manager is different, for example this is how I’d set up custom domain accounting.luboshasko.com so it points to lubos.manager.io in my DNS manager.

Step 3

Depending on your provider, it can take between 5 minutes to 24 hours for custom domain to be active. When you navigate to your custom domain, Manager Cloud will automatically download and install SSL certificate from Let’s encrypt so your connection will be still safe and secure.

Here is how it looks after setting up my custom domain accounting.luboshasko.com


Final words

With addition of custom domains, we have also removed unnecessary manager.io branding from cloud edition. If you are using custom domains, your restricted users will see your custom URL and no reference to www.manager.io.

This is especially useful for accounting firms or bookkeepers whose clients might have been reluctant to do their books under .manager.io domain which they are not familiar with but they are willing to do their books under your domain name which they recognize and trust.

Give it a go and see how it works for you.

If you don’t have cloud edition and would like to test this feature, you can sign up for free trial at Cloud Edition | Manager


This is awesome, lubos!

That is really great news as I am about to open another branch and was already searching for a new accounting programme .
now I don’t need to . that is awesome. I will be moving to cloud soon.

thanks guys



Just a confirmation, could the Cloud edition be used as a completely Whitelabelled service.
Are you effecting changes to instances where users are advised to contact support@manager.io
Also the About Manager Tab & Support Guides, will it be hidden as it is on Server edition.

@Zion, the software has very little branding at this point. I think restricted users are not exposed to any branding so from that point of view it is already white-label.

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Is there a way to stop/restrict access to default URL such as example.manager.io after I setup my own domain?

No, there is not. But why would you need that? I’m not planning to prevent access through .manager.io domain as I still consider it a backup URL.

If you misconfigure your custom domain, at least you can still access Manager via .manager.io domain.

If you don’t want your users to know about .manager.io domain, don’t tell them about it.


Very good development.

hope your are doing great .
I’am currently try to set custom URL for my manager.io cloud edition .
but looks like when everytime i try to run base on my custom url but I received this error .

have you checked whether the new CNAME has been updated in your DNS settings?
this does not happen immediately. so if you just created the CNAME, you should allow some time for it to get updated.

@sharpdrivetek ya …maybe have to wait first …will try again later…thanks ya

Manager needs to see CNAME record on your custom domain. As far as I can see, your subdomain doesn’t have any CNAME record. You might need to talk to Cloudflare about this since it seems like you are using them as your DNS provider.

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thanks @lubos…ill revisit again my configuration and let you know ya . :slight_smile:

Guys , just wanna have an update .pertaining to my issue raised last week in regards to the custom url for cloud edition .

now I able to use custom url to run my manager.io.

thanks guys 4 your help
keep in touch


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I now used custom domain in cloud edition. it’s work and fantastic . but the old one is also still working for log in.

When will the old one disable for log in.


Your .manager.io domain cannot be disabled.

That’s because if your custom domain doesn’t work for some reason, you can always log in through your manager.io domain. This is by design.

You don’t have to tell your users about your .manager.io domain. They won’t know.


Please can i use a domain name directly instead of a subdomain name to link manager.io.

Example using abc.com to xyz.manager.io as against using accounts.abc.com to xyz.manager.io

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It is not recommended as your web hosting will be now pointing to manager login. Its best to have a subdomain so that your primary domain will always show your website or hosting instead. I would suggest accounts.abc.com to point to xyz.manager.io