I’ve just started using Manager and have version 15.1.91. So far, I love it.
However I’ve searched everywhere and can’t figure out how to add terms and payment advice to my invoices. I’ve managed to find variables for terms_and_payment_advice and payment_advice_cutaway but searching the forum on how to enter this information points me to a setting that I can’t see. Any advice?
Lubos, is it possible please to attach payment terms inside the customer set up as we have clients who have terms of payment ranging from 7 to 45 days and they find they keep forgetting to put in the correct payment terms for each specific customer thanks
Hi Lubos, similar to bbas our customer payment terms range from 7 days to EOM after EOM. It would be much appreciated if you could include EOM after EOM when you are setting up this new feature. Thank you.
Re entering Terms Of Payment- Just wondering please Lubos, if you are any closer to setting default payment terms per customer. I realize we have about 55 days to go before the end of the year, but you said around the end of July that you planned to implement a default payment terms per customer by the end of the year- thanks so much (I just have several clients asking if this feature is really going to be added)