When converting quote to sales invoice, custom fields are not handled well

When a sales quote is converted to a sales invoice, custom fields within the quote are not handled properly. My quotes contain a custom field that specifies currency, and another that specifies terms etc. On the sales invoice, I must choose which of these fields appears, and the other is discarded. This problem seems to be new, as previous builds worked fine. (Currently using 21.3.75)

You need to illustrate what you mean with the screenshots. You should also update your software. You are about 100 versions behind.

Thanks, my software is now updated, but the problem remains.
Here is a screenshot of a sales quote, showing the custom fields:

When I copy the quote to a “new sales invoice”, the custom fields look like this:

The custom field at the top acts like a drop-down menu, and I can select any of the options that were present in the quote’s custom fields.

In the quote, the first custom field was a drop-down menu with two options, “Currency NZD” or “Currency USD”; the quote’s other custom field is just a paragraph of terms. The two drop-down options, plus the paragraph, appear as choices in the sales invoice. Only one of the three can be selected to be displayed in the sales invoice; none can be edited.

Custom field content is copied only when both forms have custom fields with identical names. So your unnamed field copies, but others do not.

To understand more, you need to show the custom field Edit screens for your sales invoice custom fields.

Thanks @Tut , that makes perfect sense. I’ll rearrange a few things to make them play well together.