Is this possible to allow user(restricted user role with full access right) to create new user on cloud edition to specific database?
No. Only administrators can create users, because the ability to create a user involves the ability to set which business(es) that user can access. Let’s say you are an accountant with many clients set up in Manager. You would not want a user from Business A to be able to give access to a new user to Business B.
we are requesting new user role.
if you have full right to own database, we want to allow to create new user or change user permission
That would be a major revision of the administrator/restricted user concept. If you want someone to have full rights, they should set up their own Manager installation. They can give you access (if that is wanted) by sending you backup files or by creating you as a user on their installation (either administrator or restricted).
well he meant probably delegated access assigned specifically for defined business file. it does not have to be all. and the said delegated access right user can’t touch main admin. something along that line. The use case probably two
- As Accounting software vendor (white label server edition)
- holdings with subsidiaries.
I did suggested quite sometime months back.
Yes, i want that features