Dear Sir,
Today when i open my system and i make quotation every thing was fine but the new thing was coming is after subtotal vat 15% appearing and then there is new row it is take vat of vat and showing which i don’t want how it came i don’t know, please help me to remove the unwanted row. Please see below screen shot in which i mention the unwanted row.
Instead of the View screen, please show the Edit screen
and the Edit screen for the taxcode you are using
This looks like a custom theme. If so, you are responsible for troubleshooting it yourself. The line in question is a subtraction of some kind, such as for withholding tax, a reverse charged tax code, or something else.
@BAIG_HABEEB there was a similar issue reported few days back by another user.
edit your VAT 15% tax code under Settings
→ Tax Codes
and if you see any additional lines, delete it.