Unknown tax amount being added to invoices

Hi There,

For the last couple of days an unknown amount has been added to all our sales and purchase invoices as well as sales orders and quotes. All our old invoices have been affected and any new ones that we create are also including this amount. It seems to come up as a Tax line but when the invoices are edited this line does not appear. Does anyone know what the issue is and how it can be resolved?


are you using any localization of a particular country? did you set a country under Business Details ?

No, there is no country set under Business Details. We are based in South Africa and there does not seem to be a localisation for SA so there is no country set.

please post a screenshot of the edit screen for the VAT 15% tax code.

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You beat me to it

We are busy working on the localisation for SA very soon it will be incorporated in the updates. In the meantime you can send you Tax code settings. Settings → Tax codes.

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Thanks for this. For some reason there was an additional 2.25% added to the 15% VAT tax code. I have removed it and gone back to a single rate tax code and that has solved the problem. Thanks for your assistance.