Unable to open Manager desktop version on OSX 10.7.5


I am currently unable to open my desktop version of Manager in OSX 10.7.5

When I try to open the app, I get a white page with the following message:

Blocked cookies
Cookies need to be enabled on your browser to use Manager.
Enable cookies and try to start Manager again.

I have restarted, tried a clean install and am unable to get the software to load up.

Thank you in advance for your support!

AHA! I just figured it out, all I had to do was change my preferences for cookies in Safari.

After changing the method for accepting cookies in Safari, everything looks to be functioning correctly.

Thank you

I am using Chrome on Windows 7 OS and I am getting the “Blocked Cookies” screen. I have checked my Chrome settings and it is set to allow cookies. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I’m guessing here, because I’m not a Windows expert. But you might check the settings on Internet Explorer, too, even though that isn’t your default browser.

Thanks Tut. Had not thought of that.

That did the trick. Now that I have the program open can I turn cookie blocking back on?

I don’t know. I’m a Mac user. But I doubt it. Have you tried it with preference set to allow cookies from sites you navigate to? In other words, not totally open to the world, but not locked down?