Unable to open a back up file of 2020

I closed a business back in 2020 and backed up the file safely. The purpose of back up was to use the file in case if I require any accounting information at a later date.

Now, one of my business colleague need some ledger information of an account of that closed business. I added the business by uploading the back up file. After repeated effort, I am unable to open the file. At one stage, there was a message to force start the cloud manager. I did that but to no avail.

It was very unexpected to face this situation and I had expected to be able to easily access the business by uploading the file.

Can anyone offer any suggestion to solve this issue.

Can you demonstrate using a screenshot where exactly are you stuck?

@lubos, Thanks for your prompt attention and concern to my message.

Glad to inform you that after repeated “retries” as prompted by the system, the file has been successfully opened giving rest to my grave concern.