Unable to change account in a sales invoice

I have about 20 sales invoices which were created using sales items which had not had an account selected. This has resulted in all these sales invoices being in the suspense account. I’m unable to see how I can change the account. In each sales invoice the option to change the account is not available. Is there an easy way to correct this error?

Set the account on those non-inventory items under Settings tab. Then your invoices will be all updated retroactively.

I did try that and I’ve looked at it again. It didn’t change the account in the invoices. The account in the invoices remains as suspense and it’s a darker grey without any menu allowing the option to change it. the curser changes into a red circle when it moves over the account selection part of the invoice.

Can you upgrade to the latest version from http://www.manager.io ? It could fix the issue. If it doesn’t can you post the screenshot of the screen where you edit the invoice?

But first, try to upgrade to the latest version.

Ok I’ll give that a try, although it’s only a week since we signed up for the cloud version so I think it probably is the latest version.

If you are using cloud edition, then you are on the latest version.

Let’s do it again.

  1. Mark down the name of non-inventory item selected on invoice which shows Suspense as an account
  2. Go to Settings tab, then Non-inventory Items, find the item which is used on invoice and edit the item. Make sure the account for that item is selected.

I suspect those non-inventory items simply don’t have account selected (default is Suspense). Once you set up your non-inventory items correctly (that is selecting the right account), all your invoices will be fixed retroactively.

This is what the invoice looks like

And when you go to Settings tab, then Non-inventory items to edit your item Lawns 50, what account is selected for that item?


I changed it to that when i noticed the problem but it didn’t update the invoices.

OK, after you fixed the account for non-inventory item Lawns 50, did you click Update button to save changes? Check again that Lawns 50 has the Sales account selected.

Yep I did that. I’ll do it over again to be sure if you like.

The thing is, when I open the non-inventory items now they all show the sales account so it has got to be saved, right?

Yes that’s right. But let’s not worry about other non-inventory items. Only about the item named Lawns 50. When you click Edit button on that item, does it have Sales account selected?

NO! That item still has suspense. I must have missed it. I’ve changed it now.

That fixed it. Unbelievable! There were so many items that I’ve missed a couple when going down the list. Thanks heaps and so sorry to take up your time.