Trouble with importing a bank statement

Hi everyone,

When using my Personal Account and going through Internet Banking, I download the transaction history using the QIF format. I then import it into my Manager software and it works perfectly. It loads all the transactions and I have no problem. I’ve been doing this for years with no problem.
I recently opened a new Business account with this same bank’s business division - as far as I can tell, they operate as if they are two different banks. Now when I download the transaction history using QIF it only downloads the banking fees of the payments I made and not the actual amounts - so when I import into manager it only shows 3 transactions instead of 6 (for example if every amount had its corresponding banking fee) I tried using the CSV option then it only downloads the actual amounts and not the banking fees, so again 3 transactions instead of 6. The bank says on their side it is working correctly and they are saying it’s my accounting software. But I cannot understand how it works perfectly on my Personal account, but does not work on my Business account.
When dowloading CSV on my personal account, it doesn’t work in Manager at all. It’s only the QIF that works (and has always worked)
My bank said that I should somehow find out if there is a problem with importing bank statements from Manager’s side. Is there a consultant from Manager that I can contact directly as my bank wants some kind of reference number before they escalate it as a problem on their side. I am using the desktop version, so there is no other support apart from the forum that I know of.

I’ve also tried using different browsers - no difference.

Please help!!

Have you examined the contents of the files you downloaded to see if it contains all the information you require

It could be a formatting problem

Hi Joe,

I can’t view the information contained in the file without opening/importing it inside of Manager. Is there an app/program I can use to view the contents? I’m on Mac. When I download the transaction history as pdf it shows all the correct information. I just can’t understand why it works perfectly out of my personal account, but not on the business account. How can the problem then be Manager and not the bank’s internet platform? As mentioned, they actually operate as two different banks and they use two different internet banking websites.

Use a simpke text editor to open the file.

On Window’s is Notepad but I don’t know what the equivalent application on a Mac is


Thanks Joe! I’m going to try that. I contacted the bank again and spoke to a different consultant who was actually immediately willing to escalate it to IT. So it seems the other person was just not in the mood to work on a Friday I guess. I’m going to try and view it anyway like you explained, maybe I’ll be able to then explain more clearly when the IT contacts me back.

In addition to Textedit, you can also rename the .QIF file to .TXT and open in a Spreadsheet such as Excel or Numbers.

Wonderful thank you eko

@Luigia, your experience reflects the fact that there are no binding standards for bank statement export formats. All of them allow great flexibility in how banks use and follow them.

As I have written many times before, banks have no incentive to make their statements compatible with your accounting software. The statements are useless to them. They design them to quiet customer demands to a tolerable level.

I suspect the different performance from two divisions of your bank is left over from a prior business merger.