Statements Print Preview problem

Print preview whether with a custom theme or Default theme has issues for customer and supplier statements, 22.3.82.

​See an example with the default theme in a print preview state

As Rendered In the App:

As rendered in a Print Preview:

​There is a faint borderline and the space below the table is grey in both customer and supplier statements. I think this is a bug because it renders correctly when individual statements are viewed

I had the same problem until I discovered it disappeared on changing printer margin from “default” to “none”. The print margin setting is found in the print dialogue screen under “More Settings” in my case.

Removing the "Background Graphics, worked. The problem is that the Background graphic causes no issues when statements are viewed individually.

If the Scale is set to 100 or actual size, the right borderline of the balance column in the table disappears

110 and other scales brings it back.

The goal is to have everything perfectly rendered just like how individual statements are generated.

A post was split to a new topic: Signature lines on Payslips

I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Can you confirm it’s still happening in the latest version and if so how do I reproduce this? What edition and on which operating system is this? If cloud/server editions, then what web-browser?

Cloud Edition, Edge and FireFox.

I don’t think it is a big deal. Only thing is that if you want to do a Statement batch print, uncheck the “Print background” to remove the Grey spaces.

Currently on 22.6.3



I can reproduce the gray background. How about the thin gray border. Can that be reproduced?

Yes, the thin grey border comes with the Gray background. It is not limited to customer statements. It appears in all batch print previews.

Should be fixed in the latest version (22.6.4)

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I can confirm it is fixed