Is there no option to sort the customer database alphabetically by Given Name, Surname, etc?
hi, let me try to help. You can always click the Column Name to sort it ascending or descending. If you need to have surname, etc, then create custom field for that, show it as column.
hope it helps
That might work, but it would mean manually entering hundreds of names into the Custom Field all over again…
I assume you have Given name, Surname etc. already in your data, but not in a way Manager can sort that column.
Then maybe it can be done by using Batch Update, this will avoid typing by hand.
First you have to make a backup of your data.
Then add the Custom Fields you want.
Then use Batch Update.
By using Batch Update it is possible to have the input for the Custom Field(s) done by Excel making use of the functions of Excel (or other spreadsheet program).
Manager treats customer name as a single string. If you want to sort by given names, enter those first. If you want to sort by surname, enter those first.
But when printing an invoice I want to have the customer addressed as “John Smith”, not “Smith John”. How do I resolve this?
You resolve it with effort you already said you are unwilling to undertake.
Why sort and then manually scroll when you can search by surname directly?
were you able to find a decent resolution Qwerty?
Only way I can think of doing it is to completely fill in in Billing Address with
Mr James Smith
27 James Place
Jamestown SA 5076
and have the ability to NOT include the customer “Name” box on invoices?
( but we cant do that)
Afterall, who in their right mind addresses a letter to “Smith, James”?
Oh, I’d almost forgotten about this thread. No, I don’t think I managed to solve this problem.
Just a thought why not utilise the ‘Code’ field which is optional in customers and sort by that field (unfortunately it will have to be sorted every new time it is viewed). You will need to edit the columns to ensure the ‘Code’ can be viewed and sorted
The code can be given say by the first 3 characters of the say surname (how I believe you wish to sort) and then a number to further sort for example you may have two customers with the name Smith and one could be SMI1 and the other SMI2.
You could utilise Batch Update to speed things up as already suggested
I agree that is how it currently works most of the time. I’m not as sure that is optimal.
For some localisations the given and surname must be supplied in different fields so Manager tries to separate them.
Combining fields as required is far easier than separating data. Imo transitioning to the separate fields used in most jurisdictions would be sensible in the longer term.
Don’t know if this will help or suit.
For cash sales, online one of purchases etc. I use Cash Sale etc as a ‘Customer’ and then, as I don’t normally put in a ‘Description’, I use the ‘Description’ field to enter the name in the Surname, First name order.
This allows me to sort by ‘Description’
And if I really need to I can add further info in the field.
could check box under Billing address field be added so that you can use Billing Address field only on documents. This Billing Address field could then can contain the correct placement of Salutation and correct name format ie as follows;
Mr James R Smith
17 Harvey Road
Adelaide SA 5000 .
Rather than surname first and then christian name.