Sorting invoices on sales invoices tab

The current invoice data is listed in an illogical sequence. Is there a way to fix that.

Also, can the data be sorted in ascending or descending order of the different (available) field?

Check the latest version (14.3.23) which is fixing this anomaly. Currently invoices are sorted by status (unpaid), then by date, then by reference in descending order.

Currently it’s not possible to change this sorting order, by what column would you prefer invoices to be sorted by?

Personally, I would need the option to choose the field that I want the data to be sorted by for the particular task im doing. When searching for the highest balance due, I would need the balance due column to be utilized in ascending/descending order. When id want the longest overdue, i would want to choose that column.

A simple option of clicking the column heading to sort would be great for all this…


The default sorting by status is confusing! We’d like to sort by invoice number and/or invoice date, so that we can see invoices in the logical date order. Thanks!


Just wondering if there is any chance of getting some sorting options on the sales invoices screen? We have varying invoice terms (some due in 7 days but some not for several months) - would be nice if the status column could be sorted so that all overdue invoices appeared first (so a sort by due date)

Is your version up to date, @t_j_bradford? Invoices coming due soon and overdue already appear at the top of the list. Paid invoices appear next in date order.

Version I am using is 15.6.73

My problem is that the sorting for the coming soon and overdue is by invoice date rather than the due date. Because we have various invoice terms there is no easy way for me to see invoices that are overdue or due within the next few days apart from looking through the 2 pages of outstanding invoices I can have to find the ones that are due (I know overdue appear in red). It would be nice if the list could be sorted by due date rather than the current sort order so that I can easily see anything overdue or due in the next few days at the top of the list. Maybe an option to click on the top of the status column to sort it by status (so overdue appear first with most overdue at the top of the list then the due ones with due today first, then 1 day, 2 days, etc). Clicking on the invoice date column could then revert back to the current sort order.

Now I understand. As of now, Manager does not allow you to modify that sort order. I only wish I had so many sales invoices that this was a problem for me. :wink:

The latest version (15.6.74) will allow to sort by columns. Just click on Status column when under sales invoices to see what happens.

Alternatively, have a look at Aged receivables report which is more standard way to look at outstanding invoices if you have many of them.

Nice feature. Will this feature also be added to “Quote”?

@lubos, this is a nice feature. However, Manager seems to sort dates as text strings rather than dates, in both ascending and descending order. For example, 3/3/2014 follows 1/1/2015 when sorted in ascending order because 3 follows 1 in a text sort.

OK, check the latest version (15.6.77). I fixed Sales Quotes tab so it’s possible to sort within it too. And also fixed the date issue.


It is a great feature and I was waiting for it. thank you very much for adding but…
I found a problem in price sorting in inventory. when click on price it sorts them but not in right manner. for example when I trying to sort goods from highest price to lower price, a good with price 9000 is at top of another with price 85000.

Check the latest version (15.6.79), @jamaloddin. You describe what appears to be the same problem I mentioned with dates. I believe you will find it has been fixed.

yes, it has fixed and work properly. I always check the change log before update manager. showing the latest version in change log can be useful.
thank you

Having the feature of sorting Invoices by Invoice number as Default would be great since its sometimes confusing and leads to duplication of invoice.

Sales invoice numbers will never be duplicated unless you deliberately do so. Manager by default assigns sales invoice numbers automatically; it finds the highest number invoice and adds 1. It is manual number assignment that leads to duplication, not any sorting scheme.

Different sorting methods will not prevent you from overwriting or duplicating an invoice number.

By default, sales invoices are sorted first according to status, secondarily by date. This is in response to user input. Users wanted to be able to focus on unpaid invoices.

You can always sort another way by clicking on the column headings. Click again to reverse the order.

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