In the Chart of Accounts, I’ve specified a (in my case a 4-digit) number as the 'Code" for each Account and (account) Group. The Codes are organized in a structured and hierarchical order (e.g. 4300 Utilities; 4330 Water Expenses; 4332 Potable Water)
When displaying/printing accounting reports, the ‘Code’ precedes the Account Name (as intended, as ‘checked’ in the ‘Set Period’ of the ‘Summary’ ).
However, the (account) group name does not show the associated code in the reports. (in my case, no Code would be printed/displayed for Utilities and Water Expenses, only for Potable Water)
May I suggest, as an enhancement, to have the Code also shown for the Group account names (for lay-out consistenty).
Thks - Eric
Running Desktop Manager 18.7.21 on Mac High Sierra
The second and third digit of ‘xx’ (x-‘xx’-{xx]) is the group account and Account (which may the same level of group account), The {xx] is the account where is always been under group accounts
For example, For second tier Group Accounts
1. Asset (Noted cannot be user defined : edit)
11001. Bank GGWP
11002. IMF
12000. Cash-in-Hand
12001. Cash Drawer
12002. Petty Cash.
For example, For Third tier Group Accounts
Asset (Noted cannot be user defined : edit)
11100. Bank GGWP
11101. Current Account
11102. Saving Account
11200. IMF
11201. Gold Vault
11202. Petrol Dollar Account
12000. Cash-in-Hand
12001. Cash Drawer
12002. Petty Cash.
Truthfully, I prefer the current one, What I did, Whenever I give my auditor the report, I gave them the chart of accounts for their reference in excel format.
I can see your point. Not having the ‘Group’ displayed is visually more pleasing (only show the code on the real account level). I raised the suggestion for 2 reasons:
a) uniformity and consistrency of the report data
b) on a more functional level: I am developing an excel extract to include a ‘year-view’ of the budgetting
(actual spent vs current period budget and actual spent vs year budget). Having the group code included in the Profit and Loss report would grealty simplify the vba procedure and data-set processing after exporting the report to excel.
Currently group codes in Manager are only used to control ordering of groups within chart of accounts.
I want to introduce some “drag & drop” mechanism into chart of accounts so you can sort your groups without using codes. Then if you really want group codes, you can use the field and codes could show on reports.
Currently I don’t want to show group codes because most people don’t actually want that but are forced to use group codes to control the ordering.