Purchase Invoice search option does not look for Order Number ? The Order Number is also not listed on the screen.
There is a limit to what can be shown on the screen before it becomes unreadable - is there a column you would like to get rid of?
Hi Joe,
As you can see, the columns in Sales Invoice, there is order number after # column… total of 8 columns…
It could be great to have the Order Number for the Purchase Invoice as well… see below picture… total of 7 columns…
(Attachment oledata.mso is missing)
Hi Joe,
As you can see, the columns in Sales Invoice, there is order number after # column… total of 8 columns…
It could be great to have the Order Number for the Purchase Invoice as well… see below picture… total of 7 columns…
I also see what @Mark sees. If there is an order number on a purchase invoice displayed on the screen, that column shows.
I just created a new Purchase Invoice and included Order Number 00000 but on the screen list, order number does not appear. Should i uninstall the manager and install again ? …
@zikzak, your screen shot in post #6 is cut off, but it looks like you might have a very strange supplier entry, And in post #8 you have no supplier at all. What happens when you have a legitimate supplier selected for the purchase invoice and purchase order?
The purchase order number will appear as a column when you select it on the Supplier line.
So make sure you enter the purchase order in the Purchase Orders tab and then select it on the purchase invoice on the Supplier line.
Good detective work, @sharpdrivetek. @zikzak, in your first partial screen shot, you can just barely see that the linked order number field to the right of the supplier is blank. And, or course, since you did not choose a supplier in the second screen shot (as I mentioned earlier), the order field itself does not appear on the form.
problem solved… i have checked “Purchase Orders” selection and now it does show Order Number…
In that field you can only select the ref. # of previously created Purchase orders. If you select a Purchase order ref. # there then the Order # field at the top disappears. But it seems that the ref. # in that field is only shown in the Order # column when the Purchase invoice is created from a Purchase order. In the Order # field at the top you can enter whatever ref. # you want and it will show in the Order # column.
So the issue was that you actually had no purchase order numbers to show, because you had no purchase orders.
i think this is a little glitch. i do not create neither Sales Orders nor Purchase Orders. I create directly Sales Invoice and create a Purchase Invoice from it. When Sales Orders tab is not checked, i can still see the Order Number on Sales Invoice screen… But for some reason, when Purchase Order tab is not checked, i can not see the Order Number on Purchase Invoice screen shot. i think it is all about the Optional Quote Number and Order Number columns that are added on the Purchase Invoice.
No, it is not a glitch. The application is programmed to display reference numbers for purchase orders when they exist. You did not have the Purchase Orders tab enabled. Therefore, you could not possibly have had any purchase orders. Therefore, there was nothing for the application to show.
The fact that you can manually enter some number into a field on the purchase invoice form does not mean you have created a reference number for a non-existent purchase order.
I am experiencing a similar issue and, despite navigating through the forum, I have not found a solution. Therefore, I decided to post here instead of creating a new topic.
My problem is that I do not automatically receive an order number when generating a new purchase or sales invoice. In previous versions (more than a year ago), creating a new purchase or sales invoice would automatically generate an order number.
I have managed to insert an order number field in the custom fields under obsolete features, but it remains at the bottom of the page. It appears that the option is still available because if I clone an older purchase or sales invoice, the order number is retained. However, even in the edit column view, there is no order number field unless I create one in custom fields. Unfortunately, older invoices do not display an order number, as the new order number field appears blank at the bottom of the page.
I have attached a few screenshots for reference

Yeah, that’s the way to do it. If you want to record order number but don’t want to use Sales Orders
/ Purchase Orders
tabs, then just create custom field.
I need to make it so the hidden field is converted into custom field. Then you will be able to search by order number across older invoices too.
Thank you, so will I have a hidden field of Order number as I used to have for years? and will it be at the top of the page next to the reference? Let me know when its done… Thank you in advance
Hi there, any update for that issue yet?
Kind regards