I am new to accounting and new to this application, and so far I am loving it, very great tool.
I noticed when I created multiple journal entries for the same day, the order can be mixed up, even tho I assigned reference into my order but still in the system it doesn’t follow the order I input them.
Please provide screen shots of (say) three of your journal entries (edit screens) and then a screen shot of how you see the system presenting them so we have a better idea of what you refer to.
Firstly, judging from you journal entries I suspect you are ‘running your business by journal entry’ … you should be using the various modules e.g Receipts and payments, sales and purchase invoices, etc.
As I see it the issue you have described is due to the reference numbers, etc you are using … they should be incremental numbers e.g 1,2.3 etc that way the first one e.g will be first (at the bottom of the list on a specific day and 2 would be the next on the list above the bottom one on a specific day).
Also, journal entries are rarely used in Manager. It is designed so that journal entries, which a lot of non-accountants find confusing, are not needed
That is no longer true. Recently the developer included in edit columns and in advanced search the Timestamp that was already used in history. Just enable these or search with it.
The accounting records do not distinguish between transactions on the same day - yes, they can be ordered according to the time of entry but, for example, there is no customer account balance at 1pm, 2pm, etc only a customer account balance at the end of the day
thanks Joe, I thought journal entry double entry is the right way for bookkeeping, i only learned that 2 days ago and done all my books for the IRS April 15 tax return. I been doing single entry before and I find this double entry makes more sense, am I doing it wrong?
I only found Manager as a free tool for single user, i also found wave accounting as a free tool but I like Manager better, less confusing and simple, however I am still trying to understand the inventory system, not sure how do I list them as assets and also able to keep inventory count and when there is a sale I can remove from inventory, count into revenue and cost of goods, or maybe I am not doing right, I only learn to bookkeep/account for 2 days
Yes I check the history tab, it able to show the timestamp but not in the journal records, anyway around this? I just want to make my journal entries/transactions in the right order
Manager is using double entry accounting. What @Joe91 explains is that Manager helps to prevent making errors by minimizing the need for Journal entries as explained at Make journal entries | Manager where it says:
In Manager, most transactions are entered in other functional tabs, thereby automating many decisions about account posting and reducing errors. So journal entries are relatively few. Most record transfers between accounts. In fact, no transaction involving the actual receipt or payment of funds by a business can be recorded via a journal entry.
I’m using version Your jounal view header titles look different to mine?
However if you must use journal entries:-
First of all you should set the Form Default for journal entries ‘Reference’ to automatic
Then in the Journal Entries tab select Form Defaults and make sure that Edit Columns has Reference ticked
Then you can sort on the reference number order by clicking on the Reference column header
In Manager, most transactions are entered in other functional tabs, thereby automating many decisions about account posting and reducing errors. So journal entries are relatively few. Most record transfers between accounts. In fact, no transaction involving the actual receipt or payment of funds by a business can be recorded via a journal entry.
To avoid mistakes by users not undertanding the normal Balances when and where to use Debit and Credit see https://www.accountingcoach.com/debits-and-credits/explanation/3 Manager insists as per link that payments and receipts are done through the payments and receipts tabs rather than Journal entries. It takes care this way that the double entry accounting has fewer errors.