Sales order column delivery status not working

on sales order with show delivery status column

Tracked , not tracked not working please solved also

You haven’t indicated what edition and version you are using, nor the OS on which it is installed.
Working fine here on Server version

There is a checkbox on sales order to enable tracking.


But I guess now that it’s possible to edit columns, this checkbox is not really needed since activating the right column is probably more intuitive.

Yes, @lubos, but what about controlling the need for delivery notes? (Also applies for goods receipts.) That is distinct from displaying columns.

ok working

It could be distinct but I didn’t come to this conclusion yet.

In the end, these options (one way or another) do not affect financial statements, only the content in the columns. So perhaps Edit Columns mechanism is more intuitive replacement for quite a few checkboxes we have on various forms that were controlling content in columns before. I will need to think this through what can be removed without loss of functionality and what can’t.

I assume the difference is check boxes apply to an individual transaction vs edit columns applies all transactions of that type. As such they provide different functionality.