Receipts & Payments Summary Issue

On it’s own or with an offsetting figure?

It would help to show screen images - you can see the whole screen but I am trying to imagine it from what you post

What happens if you delete the transaction of 11/2 and re-enter it manually?

this shows the other receipt that does not show also as well as an external payment made

I’ll do a delete and re entry of one of those recepts

And same result, not showing in the summary. I then changed the account on that receipt to another category and it shows, Changed it back and does not show.

Presumably if you drill down on the account in the Summary screen it shows up all the receipts including the 11/2

Shows everywhere else, the P&L and on the Main Summary page but not in the receipts and payment summary

Right, I give up - maybe Tut or someone else has a better idea?

Appreciate your time. I’ll keep looking. Thanks for trying.

Worked it. The payment shown at #22 on 8/2 above in red got me thinking whether the payment was made and put against the income account and not the expense account which would wipe out any credit as the amount was as shown minus $23 and the summary report may not show anything.My error was that the expense payment was applied to the income account. Account changed and expected result achieved in payment summary. Another unrelated payment was the culprit. Thanks again @Joe91

Good, but that still means that the report was incorrect - it should have shown a negative value and not zero. No?