The current Production Orders feature need the following enhancements:
A) Bill of Materials.
This will enable a “recipe” to be created for a single unit of output and then allow that “recipe” to be selected within the Production Order and be multiplied.
A BOM capability for handling multiple outputs would also need consideration
B) Multiple Outputs
To cater for those situations where you have only a single input (one raw material) but have a multiple of outputs (finished goods) produced from that single input.
Or, where you have multiple inputs and also multiple outputs within the single production process
Initially, you would have the output costings done on a pro rata basis based on the units produced.
Later this could be expanded to allow the user to modify the costings apportionment.
C) Inventory Location
That an Inventory Transfer like process be incorporated where Inventory Locations has been activated.
D) Production Order - Edit Mode
That the Inventory Avg Cost values be displayed.
That the gross values of the PO be displayed.
That the Item Description be displayed.
E) Production Order - View Mode
That any “added non-inventory costs” entered be also displayed.
That the monetary values of both the Inventory and the non Inventory be displayed.
That the Item Description be displayed.
As the Production Order is a type of Journal (transferring values) it should show those values.
F) Production Order - Cloned
That any “added non-inventory costs” included in the original Production Order be also shown in the cloned Production Order
G) Production Order BOM used to create an Inventory Kit
Once A) is an implemented feature then the ability to create an Inventory Kit from a BOM could occur.
A tick box, “this production order BOM can also be a Inventory Kit” which creates the kit listing.
H) Production Order Report
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