Problem with the date

Deer here,
I have a problem with the date, when using the desktop version , it appears when I try to make or edit a report from date to date, the year goes back to 0001, please quickly intervene for a solution.

What is your date format set under Settings then Date & Number Format? I will try to reproduce the issue.

try more than one, but the problem the same

I need to know your date format. Can you post the screenshot of what you see on Date & Number Format screen which you can find under Settings tab?

I’m not able to reproduce the issue. Can you confirm what version you are currently on?

last version -yesterday download

To determine your version please see Determine version number | Manager new versions are often released several times a day.

Desktop versions are available for Windows, Mac & Linux

and i can’t download before

Which operating system?


This looks like something that happened to me, could you post the edit screen of the report?

You have not lost any data. You are displaying data for dates that do not exist. You can see in the tab counters at the left that your transactions are still in the database. And the notice at the top tells you there are 4044 transactions not accounted for in the display.

yes i can see but i cannot use it

i think this problem by use Microsoft edge webview2 runtime

The operating system calendar was modified to conform to the program’s Gregorian calendar and thus the problem ended
Thanks to everyone who tried to help