Recently I came across an error when I want to print invoice which results Manager crush.
Printing in Manager is crashing about half way through and I get a pop error saying “lldb command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?”
I click print, and just entering the number of copies the manager crashes. For the second time I try it works. But it became frequent.
No one has been able to reproduce such an error based on limited information you provided. Please answer these questions:
Are you attempting to scale the output when printing?
Can you generate a PDF of the offending form within Manager, then print the PDF?
Is a custom theme being used?
If so, does the problem persist with the default theme?
What base currency, if any, is set under Settings? If a base currency is set, temporarily disable it and see if the problem persists.
Does the problem occur only with sales invoices or with other forms, as well?
Does the problem persist if the business logo is temporarily removed under Settings => Business Logo? If the problem goes away, substitute a lower resolution (and therefore smaller file size) image and see if that fixes the problem.
Can you generate a PDF of the offending form within Manager, then print the PDF?
I have a similar problem, but I realise it may not at all be related to Manager. I want to mention it anyway as it may help to hint at something with that may be “odd” with the “print” button.
I’m on Mac Sierra and I’m using manager Cloud version.
I normally running Manager as a MAC Desktop app (Created by using It works beautifully, except for the “print” feature. Any time I want to print (whichever form), Manager crashes. Creating a pdf and thereafter printing the pdf always work fine. (Note: When I run Manager from within my Browser I have no problem with the print button.)
I also notice in the print preview (part of the print dialogue) that extra margins are created when using my “Manager App” as compared with running Manager within my browser. Below picture shows the print dialog from the “App” (to the left) and from my browser (to the right). Note: it is when confirming this print preview screen that Manager crashes - but only when running the app “version”…
I assume this may be something related to “” and for me this is not critical as I can always use the browser and/or create a pdf and then print. I just wanted to share this experience in case it may be related to the above problems.