Can you tell me if there is any plan to add an option to print just one g/l account? Upon reading some of the previous posts regarding this it seems as if it is something that would be useful to many people using Manager. Alternatively, perhaps an option could be added on the g/l detail page to print the data there. Thanks so much.
If you are using the Windows OS, then you can right click on the g/l detail page and select print.
It will print all the details even if they exceed a full screen view.
Thanks, I appreciate the reply. I did realize that but it doesn’t show the g/l name. It would be nice to be able to choose to print a specific month or time period and have the g/l title on the page.
Thanks again, I really appreciate the help.
If I click the account balance from the Summary tab and right click then print - I get the GL name at the top.
I have noted recently though that if the account exceeds1 Manager page, then it will print a blank page first.
Agreed, that individual GL and date range via the Reporting tab would be preferable.
You can export the GL to a spreadsheet and manipulate the data and print from the spreadsheet.
Thanks so much for the suggestion Brucanna, I appreciate it. I was printing it from a different screen so there were no titles. Hopefully, there will be an option to print the g/l by date range going forward.
Yes greenie, thank you, that is how I have been doing it now. I was just hoping for an easier option.