Payslips confidential yet?

I sympathize with you success127 all of your comments have hit us however the portals will very likely be a service / option you could turn off and on or allow access on a per employee or customer or possibly supplier basis. We are holding off on it until some of the security things are in place … maybe.
Right now for us the payslip info / attachments in my view if were simply not logged or set apart would go a long way to be confidential.

Regarding payslip privacy, now some employees have access to payments and can issue payments and see payment history, though the same employees dont have access to employee payslips, now when a payslip payment is made it would appear in the payment history allowing anyone who may be restricted from viewing payslips to view them. How can payslip payments be made private or hidden

Yeah this process does not appear to be taken seriously. We have five out of thirteen entities with staff having no access to the email tab because of the payslip confidentiality issue, that is around 38% in our micro sample of entities with staff users. The other businesses are one or two man operations and do not care.