Payslips confidential yet?

Wholly agree with this. In my other post Add password to pdf, I mentioned needing security to the payslip. I brought this up because there was a recent case of a payslip being viewed by other parties and worse of all, they big mouth over what they saw. We could only discipline the offenders according to our employee regulations on the matter of privacy and confidentiality but it was also our fault for not providing our employees a secured document. I am hoping the Manager developers come out a quick solution to this payslip document.

On another note, I am not too keen to have the employee portal for our employees to access. Since our Manager is self-hosted within our network and our employees share PC, the danger if one accesses to the Manager and forgot to log out, the next person opens the browser to access to the Manager, it exposures the previous user’s data. Manager does not have auto log out system if idle or after the closing of the browser.