PAYG summary

Employee summary is ok and shows totals
But I don’t have a ‘Taxable Payments by Supplier’ Tab
Taxable Payments Annual Report shows no totals or data …

Sorry, the report is called Taxable Purchases by Supplier (not payments) and it’s under Reports tab.

If this report shows no data, then you don’t have any purchase invoices entered for the period which use tax codes.

I am sorry , but how are Taxable Purchases by Suppliers related to Taxable Payments Annual Report ?

Taxable Purchases by Suppliers is a report from which Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) pulls data from.

So check whether Taxable Purchases by Suppliers shows anything.

Hmmm … I wondered about that but don’t understand why a Supplier would make a taxable purchase from me .
But to answer your question , no there is no data in the ‘Taxable Purchases by Suppliers’ Report .
So how should data end up in that report ? Am I not inputting something somewhere or inputting something incorrectly ?
Do need to create a purchase invoice as well ?

Maybe the name of the report is unfortunate but it just means “Taxable Purchases grouped by supplier”.

If there is no data on that report, it means you didn’t record any purchase invoices in the period. Is that correct? How are you recording purchases in Manager? Under which tab?

Receipts and Payments from my Bank Statement is how I record my payments .
Ans also how I record my sales

Yeah, currently TPAR won’t be able to pull those purchases in. This is because cash payments cannot be linked to suppliers.

There is already feature request to be able to link suppliers and cash payments:

So once this is implemented, TPAR will work for you too. Until then you either cannot use the report or you will need to record all taxable purchases as purchase invoices.


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Oh , but this is all very helpful to me thank you .
So , to complete the cycle then every time I make a payment to a supplier I have to create a purchase invoice so that the data will be linked to the TPAR ?
Is this correct or is there more steps I should complete to ensure data is pulled across ?
Anticipating this possibility I did create a Purchase Invoice based on a payment made to a Subcontractor with the aim of seeing whether or not the total showed up on the TPAR which it did not . But with fresh eyes I can try this again and see what happens . I will delete the report and create another .

That’s correct.

The report can be generated on both cash or accrual basis. If you record purchase invoice and it’s unpaid, it will show on accrual basis only. It won’t show on cash basis until the purchase invoice is paid.

OK … I can get the data to appear in the TPAR and also the TPBS Report .
But to do this I have to create a Purchase Invoice and then record the payment from that invoice and select ‘Accounts Payable’ as the account instead of ‘Subcontractors’ as I was previously doing .
So I thought if I just selected ‘Accounts Payable’ when entering transactions in Receipts and Payments it might have the same result without the need to create a Purchase Invoice but that didn’t work .
The main thing is I can get the data across .
My concern now is that when when I want to produce a summary of payment categories , Subcontractors will show a zero total as those payments will have to be made to ‘Accounts Payable’ if I want the data to go across to the TPAR .
And will also have to make sure to always record payments to those Subcontractors from the Purchase Invoice . Just thinking aloud .
Thankyou …

This is correct. But Receipts & payments summary report is non-standard. There is standard equivalent called Cashflow statement which Manager doesn’t implement yet. When it does, you won’t see Accounts payable but individual expense categories instead. So eventually this will be sorted out. Of course, you can also stop using purchase invoices when it will be possible to link cash payments to suppliers.

That’s the case for now.

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Thankyou for all that …

Still however when I view the PAYG and STPR reports Manager closes and if I am online it goes to the Manager website ?

That makes no sense. What operating system are you using? There is no code written in Manager that would do such a thing.

Mac os 10.14.5

Still having trouble with this . And still having trouble with he cloud version when it comes to the same thing .
So I have resolved to use the desktop version in the short term at least until things works properly as they should .

502 Bad Gateway was the error message I was getting with the Cloud Version when I tried to view STPR worksheet and PAYG summary .
Desktop version closes when I go to view STPR report and PAYG summary .
Just to be clear , I am not using both versions but have gone back to desktop version until this is worked out .
Ok , I am not sure what to do now . It seems the advice is to continue on with the thread which is what I think I have been doing but got no response.
Using version 19.7.40 and Mac os 10.14.6

Mac os 10.14.5

Still having trouble with this . And still having trouble with he cloud version when it comes to the same thing .
So I have resolved to use the desktop version in the short term at least until things works properly as they should .

502 Bad Gateway was the error message I was getting with the Cloud Version when I tried to view STPR worksheet and PAYG summary .
Desktop version closes when I go to view STPR report and PAYG summary .
Just to be clear , I am not using both versions but have gone back to desktop version until this is worked out .
Ok , I am not sure what to do now . It seems the advice is to continue on with the thread which is what I think I have been doing but got no response.
Using version 19.7.40 and Mac os 10.14.6

have you upgraded the STPR to the current version. Easiest way to be sure is re-download it from the localisation page and re import it. When it is reasonably current the built in update feature should work.

Because this sounds similar to

Can you take screen shots of what you are doing just prior to the error to clarify what is happening. In particular the date ranges being used.

Note take care with versions number of Manger. The cloud version is updated by other people. Your desktop version is under your control. Keeping them in synch is important as you can upgrade your data file to a later version but not downgrade.

Hi Patch
Screen Shot 2019-08-12 at 8.33.54 pm.png
Yes I have upgraded from Localisations and attached is a screen shot .

Only closes with PAYG and STPR but not GST Calc and TPS


I have also checked the Payslip Items set up and all seems to be ok there .


Single touch payroll needs dates of the format. Note same end date but different periods

Also have you provided the required information:

  1. In the employees tab, for each employee have you entered all data there including custom fields added by the localisation. Note Name needs to be in the format FirstName LastName (ie no title and space between names)

  2. In Settings tab → Payslip items. Do all payslip items have all custom field data entered.

  3. In Payslips tab → Do all payslips used only the current payslip items currently defined above