PAYG summary

Why don’t the totals for tax paid to employees show up in the payment summaries so I can transfer to gst worksheet .
Payslips are created so I thought summaries would display information

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Have you followed the guide here?

You need to make sure every payslip item has ATO category assigned.

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First, no tax is paid to employees. The PAYG Summary reports tax withheld from the pay of employees, which is not GST.

Second, the GST Calculation Worksheet reports GST paid and received on purchases and sales. Payslips don’t enter into that worksheet.

Third, you should not be transferring anything between these reports. In fact, you don’t fill these reports in at all. They are populated automatically by Manager, assuming you have everything set up correctly.

Yes , by using the tutorials I have just worked out that I did not have Payslip Items in Settings set up correctly . Now Tax withheld is appearing where I thought it should …

Now when I create a PAYG summary report and go to view it closes the program and takes me back to the download instruction page ?

Have you updated both the localization and the Manger program. Having an old versions of either can cause problems

I have updated Manager … but don’t understand what you mean when you ask if I have updated the Localisations program as all I can see there are the links to four or so different downloads which I already have


Download them again and import them again.
They may have been updated since you last imported them

It is only the PAYG summary that I am having trouble with , and I did download it again before but to no avail .

Oh well …….

I am having real trouble today .
earlier I was getting excited because of the Taxable payments function but when producing the actual report there is nothing uploaded to it ?

I assume

  1. You are in Australia
  2. The report you are trying to generate is actually titled “PAYG payment summary – individual non-business”
  3. You have entered payslips for the employee during the relevant time period
  4. In “Reports” → “PAYG payment summary – individual non-business” → “New Report” → you have selected the correct employee and entered a time period including the entered payslips
  5. In Settings → Payslip Items. You have entered payslip items with “ATO reporting category” as shown below

Payslip Earnings Items

Payslip Deduction Items

Payslip Contribution Items

Yes in Australia

And I have completed those items you described ……

I might shut down my laptop and see if that helps …

I think you need to post some screen shots such as

  • Reports → PAYG payment summary – individual non-business (screen capture can be edited in a painting program to obscure names)
  • Settings → Payslip Items (screen)
  • Settings → Payslip Items → edit screen of specific item

This is a screen shot of my Taxable Payments Report

ABN numbers have been selected in suppliers register (app 22) and yes to including in Taxable Payments Report .

And when I go to view the PAYG summary it closes Manager and takes me back to this Forum site . Weird . I think it happened when I downloaded again from the Localizations Program . But that is just a Lay persons opinion .

The TPAR (Taxable Payments Annual Report) is to report to the ATO what you have paid your subcontractors, not your employees. The information that forms the TPAR report is taken from your subcontractor purchase invoices. The subcontractors are set up as suppliers just like your trade suppliers but you will need to tick the following box when you edit each TPAR supplier.


Hi , yes I am familiar with TPAR as I do them every year and I did put yes in the box .

So, are you having trouble with both TPAR report AND PAYG summary report?

Yes , That’s right .
I felt that I downloaded and installed the 4 updates correctly , but the TPAR and PAYG summaries don’t seem to be functioning properly .

@Summerhill these country-specific reports (TPAR & PAYG Summary) are just report transformations for generic reports.

Generic report for TPAR is Taxable Payments by Suppplier. Can you check this report whether it shows anything?

For PAYG Summary, it’s report transformation of generic report called Employee Summary. Can you check that report whether it shows any data?