Great work on the introduction of the PAYG Payment Summary report. I have been playing with the report to get ready for EOFY. I have just noticed a couple of things that apply to our business that are not an option on the report. I would guess that there would be other businesses in a similar situation.
We have a number of seasonal working holiday workers throughout the year. They may stay for a couple of weeks to months. At the end of their employment I mark them as inactive in the employee tab. I am unable to run the PAYG Payment Summary report for an inactive employee despite them receiving a payment in that period. At this stage is appears I would need to go in and activate the relevant employee before running the report.
Another note is the Gross Payments Type option on the PAYG Payment Summary. As these employees are working holiday makers, we are required to add the letter “H” in the gross payments type box. There doesn’t appear to be an option to select what type of payment they have received.
I understand with the introduction of single touch payroll we will no longer be required to issue PAYG Payment Summaries, however, if this is the start for introduction of single touch payroll, then this may need to be included.
They really are not inactive if they worked during the period you are reporting. The inactive status implies you have no need to enter data for or report on them any longer.
You can edit the ATO reporting category custom fields dropdown lists to include other categories. Do that in Settings under Custom fields.
As I understand, I use the inactive status for employees that are no longer in our employ. We would still need to issue the EOFY statutory reports. Payslip reports still include all employees regardless of their active/inactive status. I understand the reporting process is slightly different in the payslip tab as the only variable is the date.
The ability to mark an employee as inactive is a great tool to ensure you do not enter any accidental data against a terminated employee. Reporting should be different as irrespective of the reporting period you may need to run reports on inactive employees.
I do not quite understand how to add a custom field to reflect a change in the PAYG Payment Summary box. Apologies as this doesn’t appear to be obvious to me. The below circled item is the box that I am required to select.
Don’t have a solution for this yet. But there is a case to be made that some report types need to be generated in bulk. For example, employee summaries should be generated for all employees with any movement for the period. I will need to think about this.
Currently, this isn’t supported but it will be easy to support this. Basically, Manager could add another custom field on employee level and the report could pick it up.
Appreciate this is a work in progress and I can work around the inactive status in the meantime.
I have been able to add the custom field to the employee level and can manipulate the current ATO reporting category but I have been unable to get this to appear on PAYG Summary report. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong. Would it be possible to show me how I could add the custom field to the report?
I will make improvements to the report and it will be rolled out to everyone. There is nothing you can do unless you are a programmer and want to implement changes yourself for everyone.