I have a situation where I would like to show line items on an invoice payment.
This would give me full inbuilt reports functions and verification of items/services being paid for on individual payments to certain suppliers.
I know there are already a host of checkboxes on the edit forms…but…
If I do not use ‘Purchase invoice’ and just use ‘Payments’ I get the following
While @Joe91’s answer is correct, you might find further explanation helpful.
In your first example, you obviously entered the line items manually, so they both appear on the payment transaction form. But in the second example, you used a shortcut feature. The line items were entered via the purchase invoice; the payment only recorded satisfaction of the payable. Imagine that your line items had been inventory items. With your payment, you are not buying the inventory again; you are only paying what you owe for the purchase already recorded on the purchase invoice.
You could, however, break the payment in the second example into two lines. Both would be posted to Accounts payable > Supplier > Purchase invoice number. But the amounts would be adjusted to match the two line items. In this case, the Description field would need to be edited to include the other information. There would be little point in that, because the payment in the second situation is not actually for group activities or activity based transport. It is for settlement of the debt created by the purchase invoice.
Confusing reply.
My THIRD example,screen shot, came from using the ‘New Payment’ feature.
I don’t understand your reference to ‘group activities’. My line items desciption is not relevant!
Maybe being able to ‘copy to’ New Payment option on invoices would be better?
I don’t want to be editing/changing/searching etc. I am looking for a ‘shortcut’ if possible.
An invoice is only something that might happen. Basic accounting.
Yes, @Joe91 is correct, it is not possible, now, which is why I posted the topic in the first place.
Instead of over complicating what I’ve asked is possible, give me a simple reason why it can or can’t be implemented.
To be able to show the supplier which parts/items of their invoice I am paying for, especially in part payments, would be handy. If I am paying for only three of five items invoiced it would be so much easier to delete the items I’m not paying for (using copy to payment which I’m asking about) than re-entering everything.
I’m asking @lubos if he would/could consider this.
There is no merit to this request. Adding these lines again to a payment of an invoice that already has the lines is not important. When clicking on the invoices tab you can see which invoices are paid or outstanding. You can view and email the invoice to your client or supplier which will show what was paid when.
I already stated the ‘merit’. It lets the supplier know which items on their invoice I am remitting payment for.
I work with government suppliers and they require that specific information. Sometimes they invoice me for items I have not received yet or they have not provided that need to be addressed.
Neither do I. I just copied that terminology from the first line item in your example.
No, it would not. As I already explained, the payment is not for the line items on the purchase invoice, it for the payable itself. Postings go to totally different accounts.
Here, you are wrong. An invoice (sales or purchase) records creation of a real obligation, something that has happened, not something that might happen.
Fundamental accounting principles preclude it.
You are not paying for line items on an invoice. You are discharging part of your debit in Accounts payable. The money you send to the supplier has no tag on it beyond the invoice. The supplier is free to consider it as being for anything they wish within the confines of the invoice.
You might think of things that way. But your interpretation has no merit in accounting principles, regardless of what your suppliers believe. If they want separable payments, they should submit separate sales invoices to you. And you would then enter separate purchase invoices.