Option to make some fields mandatory for data integrity

Possible to mark a custom field or a default field as a required/mandatory field when entering data? Fields marked as required could have the red asterisk sign by it to show it a mandatory field. A user wouldn’t be able to create or update a transaction or document in the edit mode until every mandatory field is filled.
This will be a great tool for:
• Ensuring the selection of Warehouse/location
• Ensuring the selection of tax codes in circumstances where tax codes haven’t been assigned to items
• Ensuring the selection of tracking codes
• Ensuring the entry of necessary information into fields for suppliers, bank accounts, cash accounts, employees, fixed assets, write-offs, journal entries etc.
We could also make use of some basic data validation, for example. minimum character length


it would be useful for most business. others simply need not use the option.

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This is a very good feature. @lubos please look into it and see if it can be added to the already wonderful Manager Software.

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We need it. @lubos Please try to give this option.
Thanks for your continuous support.

I do agree as well to add option to make custom fields mandatory.


That’s the opposite to Manager existing design philosophy.

Currently when a user enters data it is never lost. Even when incomplete or erroneous data is entered, the user data is not lost but the transaction is saved in the suspense account.

So what is implied here is if a user makes a data entry error or omission in one of the mandatory fields, their entry / updates are disallowed so lost.

I realise most other programs have modal entry dialogue boxes which do not permit data to be entered unless all of it is correct. However imo Manager behaving in this manner would be a retrograde step.

I would prefer the transaction going to suspense and all screens & print outs having an “Incomplete / erroneous data entry” banner prominently displayed.


That would also work. So long as it ensures that data is entered correctly. Since joining the forum, my goal has been to contribute ideas for discussions that will most likely lead to growth.

Managers who rely on financial reports generated from accounting system data may make the wrong financial decisions when users fail to select a custom field, a Project, or a Division on a form.

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The way I’m imagining it, if a user fails to enter data into a mandatory field, or enters data of the wrong type, they would be prompted with a warning when trying to create or update the form. They would be given the option to return to the form to edit the field, or discard their edits. Nothing would be lost without a warning and an opportunity to correct the entered data.

By default nothing would be mandatory – it would remain as it currently is. But businesses would have the option to set fields of their choosing to be mandatory. If there is a situation where a user is editing a form and is not able to supply data of the correct type for a mandatory field, that suggests they are doing something that the administrator has deliberately disabled, or it is an unforeseen scenario and the administrator needs to update the form options to accommodate it. If the administrator decides that the user should be able to proceed with incorrect or incomplete data, they can change the field to non-mandatory. But otherwise I think it is completely appropriate that the user not be able to proceed.


This idea became a serious subject for us

  • User sometimes forgets to choose the client in the invoice, same in the Receipt
  • Users can change the sales price as they want
    So please consider it
    Thank you!
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That will remain the case as it should and is not related to this topic but to user permissions.

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But for the first point, it is really important, For example:
user forgot to add the client name in the following invoices and we lost the money because no one remembers who was the client: