Need to reinstate my accounts!

I changed computers and my Manager no longer worked. I had to reload a new Manager. But all of my accounts are gone. Is there a way to get them back? I clearly am signed up with Manager because it knew my email.

Your post is not clear. Were you using the desktop or cloud edition? Whichever it was, your data was not stored in the program. It sounds like you were using the desktop edition. So your data was in your application data folder.

You need to recover the data from your old computer unless you kept backups somewhere else.

Thanks Tut. Yes, sorry, it is a desktop. I’ll do as you suggest!

Oh! I remember now that they say they went to a new data base and so it wasn’t transferable. I had tried importing the back-up data though. Luckily I’d printed all for the 2021 years well as previous years and I’ll just re-created new accounts. Took me less than 1 hour. Thanks again.

There are several posts commenting this so if you had searched the forum you most probably would have needed to spend a lot less time.

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Thanks- I did look but probably didn’t have the correct wordage.