Can I recover my data from old computer (desktop version)

I had a mishap and my old computer is no longer viable, I saved the hard drive and I had Manager desktop installed. Can i save this data by reinstalling desktop on a new computer and moving folders from my old hard drive over?

Assuming you can read your old hard disk, see this section of the Guides
Application Data: Manage application data folder contents | Move desktop application data to another folder | Reduce data file size | Open a data file directly


  1. Restore from a backup of your business file
  2. Restore from original source data (re enter everything)
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Thank you, this has worked, I search the old drive for a *.manager file, copied them to the new folder location on the new computer and the data has carried across (except the business name which was easily fixed) thanks for the help!.

Not to state the obvious, I would suggest you adopt a reliable back up strategy. You need multiple separate backups on different devices for it to be reliable.