My Software is not installed on system Please Guide

what operating system do you have? You need to have at least Internet Explorer 9 which is not supported on Windows XP. You need to have Windows 7 at a minimum to run any modern program like Manager.

i have window 7 and installed internet explorer 11
but not installed

Then my suggestion would be to run windows updates and update your system in full if you haven’t done so already as there may be some dependency missing that windows update will install. You also need to ensure that you have microsoft .net 4.6.1 installed.

Also double check that you do indeed have Internet Explorer 11 installed by clicking on help about Internet Explorer to see what version is actually showing as installed as I can’t see why Manager would think you have an older version that you actually do have.

ok i will updates window
Its very appreciative Quick response . and v easy method of guide
Bundle of thanks , God bless u