Manager stop working

Hi I worked for 2years with manager no problem and all of the sudden it stops working it gives a error message about manager can not operate without internet explorer older then explorer 9 and for some reason my pc doesnt allow me to upgrade my internet explorer

Can some one relate?.

What version of Windows are you using?

I use windows 7 professional system type 64bit operating system

As far as I know Manager is in no way dependent on Internet Explorer.

Manager does check for IE version above 9.
but you should not be having any trouble using Manager on Windows 7.
do you have any windows updates pending? if yes, then please install your system updates and try installing Manager again.

Do you know why?

i am not sure why. but this has been the requirement to install Manager for atleast 2 years now.

Windows XP was limited to IE8 and Manager is no longer supported on XP, so IE 9 is checked to see that you aren’t using XP or earlier Windows OS.

Yeah I suspected as much.

But the original poster said he is running Windows 7. And as far as I know there is no way Win7 to be without IE9.

My windows work without IE9 it always worked just recently after power failure i can open the books but i can not edit i canot proceed to next step. Its like its in a read only phase but how is this possible.

Well, this is all guesswork on my side but it is possible that a power failure somehow corrupted the manager database file.

Either the business file or a Manager programme file has been affected by the power failure.
You could run one of the window utilities such as “Defrag” and see if that repairs.
If after running those utilities you still have an issue, you could download the latest Manager.

Thank you all i solve the problem i just updated IE9 and reinstall manager luckily i made backups.
