Multiple location inventory report

a. multiple inventory location report does not match with inventory summary report

Inventory Quantity by Location
As at 04/06/2021
b1 a2 a1 Total

A - 6 -4 -4 -2
B - 1 -2 -1

7	-4	-6	-3

Inventory Quantity Summary
For the period from 03/28/2021 to 04/06/2021
Opening balance Purchases Sales Closing balance

A - 0 23 -10 13
B - 0 2 -3 -1

0	25	-13	12

b.multi location inventory report does not show all locations

Can you show a screen image of the Inventory Tab for the items?

Are you sing Delivery Notes & Goods Received Note?
Are you using Sales and Purchase Invoices?

You can drill down on the different quantities to see how manager calculated the numbers

The Inventory Quantity shows the amount of Inventory you own - the amount you bought (on Purchase Invoices) less the amount you sold (on Sales Invoices)

The Inventory Quantity by Location shows the physical quantity - if you use Delivery Notes and Goods Received Notes then this is amount amount received minus amount delivered - this is not the same as the amount purchased minus amount sold

@Abbas please illustrate your idea properly. Consider using a table in excel for that.

Thank you Joe91 and Abeiku for your response.

I am using Receipts and Payments for this example and one inventory kit item in the process. however, i get two different report at the end of day one for inventory summary and one that of location wise. in my opinion the closing qty should tie up in both the cases.

For further clarification i attach report in inventory report.pdf (25.9 KB) excel. hope this clarifies.

You really need to show screen copies from Manager and not data from Excel

What do you mean by Receipts & Payments?

Again, screen copies of the edit transactions are needed so that we can explain what the calculations are

Manager is correct - if there are discrepancies in your reports it is more likely that you are doing something wrong

Unless you show screen copies, it is most unlikely anyone can help sort this out

Inventory Quantity Summary
For the period from 03/28/2021 to 04/06/2021
Opening balance Purchases Sales Closing balance
A - 0 23 -10 13
B - 0 2 -3 -1
0 25 -13 12
Inventory Quantity by Location
As at 04/06/2021
b1 a2 a1 Total
A - 6 -4 -4 -2
B - 1 -2 -1
7 -4 -6 -3
Closing Balance in Inv Qty should tie up with
Total in Inv Qty by location

is this the way you want to see the reports Joe 91? Sorry i am little unfamiliar to attachments of excel in this forum.

As an accountant i would like to reconcile the Inventory summary with location report. so it must tally. if i have done any wrong entries in the modules it should reflect on both reports. Please feel free if you need any other inform.

No. You have constructed tables in Markdown rather than showing what the program shows. We need to see actual screen shots taken of the Manager pages. There is no need to show anything generated in a spreadsheet. Upload the screen shots using the Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 6.41.51 AM symbol at the top of the forum composing pane.

Please use screen shots instead of attachments. Your attachments are others’ security risks. Most forum users will not open them.

You also need to understand that inventory kits do not exist in the physical world. They are shortcuts for entering items often sold together but stocked separately. You cannot count them, because they are assembled only as sold or shipped.

Further, you can have legitimate differences between these two reports due to insufficient quantities being present at the time of a sale.

Finally, you need to answer questions asked by other forum members if you want their help. You have not answered @Joe91’s question about whether you are using delivery notes and goods receipts. These transaction types alter the way Manager works when their tabs are enabled.

Thank you.image. Tut

I do not use Delivery Notes or Goods receipts @Joe91. Sorry.

i fail to understand how to attach in the way you have described. nevertheless i shall work that out and inform you.

I do understand the inventory kits are for assembling and not counted as stock. but here the difference in both (qty and location) reports taken at the same time.

  1. Capture a screen shot using features of your operating system or a 3rd-party app.
  2. Click the upload arrow and navigate to the file just created.
  3. Select it and then upload.


  1. Just drag the screen shot file into the composing pane wherever you want it to appear.

That does not matter. To understand each report, you must fully trace the history of each inventory item. We cannot do that remotely without detailed knowledge of your purchases and sales. Drill down by clicking on the blue figures in the reports to obtain this information and show what you see.

Thank you everyone for participating and advising me on my controls. it looks like there is a issue of creating locations after receiving items, probably, at sales time.

i tested with two more items and it works fine. so essentially i must create all settings prior to starting live transactions to avoid report confusion.

On the same topic one morthing i would like to know is - is there any restrictions on no of locations for the report or n no of locations can be opened.

No restrictions. And you don’t need to set up locations first. You just need to do inventory transfers from unspecified to the ones you create. Read the Guide about it.

Understood sir. Thank you.