I have certain inventory in two locations but when am selling, I have to get some inventory from one location and some from another…the inventory is all the same(undifferentiated)…but when I try to select the inventory locations, I can only place one… Another problem is…one inventory location doesn’t have enough inventory that’s in the other location…
What version of Manager?
Are you using Delivery Notes?
Why do you have two inventory locations?
How do you process the goods - are they delivered from two locations? Are they moved from one to the other and then delivered?
21.7.1…u can verify with the bottom of the screenshot
Basically I have more than two inventory locations because not all my inventory is produced in one place
Too general a question to be answered directly😅
Produced not delivered
Not basically moved but produced and sold where they are manufactured
So what I want to do is to apply two inventory locations in one form eg a receipt
Well, to be brief - Manager does not support selling from two inventory locations on the one form
You could look into using the Delivery Notes feature which would allow you to issue one invoice, but you would have to issue two delivery notes - one for each location
Sorry for delay - I was testing this before replying with a definitive answer
@Joel_Aldrine, these statements contradict what you have said elsewhere. And you refused to explain how you process goods. So you really cannot expect to receive definite answers.
Generally, however, production orders already allow you to specify inventory locations. You cannot produce something in two places at the same time. So what is the issue?
When it comes to selling, you have chosen not to use delivery notes. Therefore, the inventory movements occur immediately, as a direct result of either a sales invoice or a receipt. In either case, mixing multiple inventory locations on a single sales transaction presents problems. In most locations, tax is determined by the place of supply. Mixing places of supply would violate tax regulations in many jurisdictions. And, if you sell your product where it is produced, as quoted above, you have no need for multiple locations. Each transaction would be separate anyway.
No problem really
That’s so true without a doubt…
So the issue is…as @Joe91 said previously as manager not supporting selling of inventory from two locations on one transaction form…
This is the thing…I produce the same types of inventory in two different places and are sold the same price… let me use an example…
Location A has 6 blocks
Location B has 4 blocks ; all the same price 1000
Client comes and wants 10 blocks…and pays 10000
That means I need to pick 6 blocks from location A and 4 from location B…that’s my need for two inventory locations in one form…or maybe when there’s another way to still sell the 10 blocks, at the same time but from two different locations
The solution is to sell the blocks from the location where the customer buys them. Then, if necessary, transfer inventory from another location to the location from which it was sold. The fact remains, in the situation you described, you did not sell from two locations.
Well…this makes alot more sense…thank you👍
This is also rather practical… appreciate that
I would suggest that your accounting records follow what you physically do to deliver the command.
The accounting should not be the driver of the actual warehousing operation
Make your warehouse work as efficient as possible and then arrange the accounting to track that