Manager Server not connecting to other PC

I just installed Manager server edition, did all the neceincludissary set up including creating exception for firewall but it has refused
to connect other PCs. Kindly help please.

You need to provide far more details. For example you have Server Editions for Linux, Mac and Windows.

@glowhite, i.e. Emeka, Ẹ káalẹ́! (Good evening) You used to use Cloud version and all of a sudden you changed to Server Edition. I do not think that you can manage the server giving your history with us. Not only that, Server Edition will always cost more than Cloud because now you have to maintain your own server while the fees for Cloud vs Server are comparable, so you in essence loose money. O dàárọ̀ (Good night!).

Server edition for Window

The Server edition is for my Client.

Then your client needs to possess the skills and resources to manage the server installation. The Manager forum is not the IT department for your client.

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This reply is harsh.

As @eko said, you need to provide more information to find out the cause.
Including how to setup your network, and how you set up your Server Manager.
Can the server be accessed from a local computer, what IP and PORT do you use, etc…

This issue is difficult to discuss in this forum. It would be better if you ask local IT to help you.

What I can say is that on the LAN, the Manager Server runs fine (I don’t use https).

There are no special tricks, you just need to run the Managerserver and set the port you want to use.

Make sure the Managerserver can be accessed from localhost,
and try it from the client by typing the server ip address:port you use.

Thanks for your concern.

The cloud version is recommended for most users.

The server version is ONLY appropriate for those with the significant skills required to manage a server themselves. Basic access is the easy part. Backup, security, redundancy, access control are all much harder.

No, that user is being kind and giving you good advice, even if you don’t want to hear it.

