Manager Pdf Printer Issues

I have created a Custom Field on Inventory Item called Wty and made it a drop down list for 1 Yr, 2 Yr, 3 Yr and 5 Yr and set to show on printed document. Looks perfect in Manager, when you save to pdf using Manager’s pdf printer, everything goes pear shaped.

As you can see in the picture, it creates a massive width for Wty field which only has a max of 4 characters for text. This applies in both my custom template but also using the default Manager template.

If I print to pdf using Nitro Pdf Printer or Tracker Pdf Editor, the Wty field is a similar size to Qty field.

Same issue with background colour for bank details. Nitro and Tracker Pdf Editor is printing what Manager is showing, but Manager Pdf is printing a background colour for the entire row! Also Bank Payment Details has a blank line below in Nitro (as it should), whereas Manager does not. See pictures

Manager Pdf Printer

Nitro Pdf Printer

Manager Pdf Printer

Nitro Pdf Printer

I could use Nitro or Tracker Pdf Editor printer as I think both Pdf Printers are replicating what manager is showing more accurately, if it were not for several issues.

  • Nitro does not put the footer at the bottom of the page - this is because you are printing to a pdf and printers don’t understand html footers!
  • Nitro seems to compress the view slightly which makes everything look smaller - fonts, lines, logos etc.
  • Nitro, the left and right margins in Nitro are massive compared to Manager Pdf
  • Nitro the logo and header is not aligned compared to Manager Pdf

I would prefer to use Manager’s Pdf because then it could be designed exclusively to work with Manager themes. But the Pdf Printer is not replicating HTML properly especially with things like the custom field Wty Column. Any suggestions