Internal PDF generator now obsolete

Two Questions

Customer Portal Pdf Creation

How will the Customer Portal support clients creating a Pdf for their invoices? Currently you can only view invoices in the customer portal, but I assume the long term plan is to allow customers to create and download invoices in pdf format.

Using an external Pdf printer issues

When I get back from my holiday, I will need to check if this problem is still present. If it is, how would you suggest these formatting issues be resolved.

I was originally using Nitro pdf and moved to using the internal pdf editor on the basis that it would better support default and custom themes in Manager better than a 3rd party addon.

However, I will consider going back to Nitro as it would solve my custom column for warranty and background colours issues with the internal pdf editor as well as an xhref error that I get using Manager pdf. Using Nitro will mean that I will have to address the wide margins issue as well as logo and header alignment.