Manager crashes when printing

Thanks, @Dietmar. The good news is you are doing things correctly in Manager. But the functions you are trying to use are features of the Mac OS X operating system, not Manager. They should work. In fact, I just verified that I can select the various PDF functions available as print options in OS X with no problem whatsoever. Opening a document as a PDF in Preview via the print dialog and saving as PDF produce identical results matching what I see on my Manager screen. This does not produce a crash or freeze. There was a spontaneous freezing issue that was resolved in October 2015. The only other Mac-specific issue I am aware of is that you cannot adjust the printing scale from the print dialog box. That definitely crashes the program.

You apparently have some other problem with your computer. What version of OS X are you running?

Has this “scaled printing problem” been fixed?

I’ve just tried Manager 17.10.38 on MacOS 10.12.6 and have exactly the same behavior as others have mentioned. Change the scale to 90% and try to do anything else crashes the app (that includes pressing Cancel on the print dialog)

That has not been fixed. If you need to print a scaled version of a document, create a PDF within the program and print the PDF with scaling.

Thanks for the response but that solution doesn’t work.

Using the “PDF” button a) creates a red message “unsupported file format” in the upper right corner of the invoice, and b) truncates the bottom of the invoice.

I have a long invoice with many line items, a note, and (within the template) the bank payment information. Using the Print-to-PDF from the print dialog creates two pages, with only 1-2 lines of text on page 2. Using the PDF button doesn’t show the bank payment info (from the template) at all…

It sounds like you are using a custom theme, though you did not say so explicitly. Manager’s internal PDF generator does not support all HTML/CSS attributes and syntax. Problems are most frequently caused by changing font attributes. Unfortunately, once you start down the road of customizing themes, you are somewhat on your own.

I would try removing things from a copy of the custom theme one by one until I found the code that is causing the problem.

Hi Tut,

Thanks for the suggestion. On the custom invoice I added text on the bottom indicating our bank info for payment.

It is implemented by another after the main table. (I initially tried adding table rows but the formatting didn’t work out).

The additional table has no CSS:

Bank Information
Bank xxxx Banking Corporation
Branch 7339
Account Name yyyyyy Ltd
SWIFT zzzzzz
Account Number xxx-xxx-xxx-xx

Secondly, using the PDF button causes a message, “Unsupported file format” in red in the upper right hand corner. This happens even on the built in “plain” theme. Any ideas on that one?


Well, I’m the wrong person to ask for coding support. I know only enough to be dangerous. But I have two thoughts to share before backing out of this conversation:

  1. Why put this information in a separate table? I would just put it in the Notes field.
  2. I don’t think the <strong> tag should be used. When you look at “official” themes from the web site, you always see code like <td style="font-weight: bold ... Remember, you are writing in Liquid.
  3. Double-check your logo. The fact that you actually have an invoice to show a screen shot of means the program hasn’t crashed. And the red notice is where the logo belongs. Make sure it is no larger than 250KB. Many problems have been reported with logo files that are too large.

It is in a separate table to ensure the formatting of my text is independent of any formatting applied to the existing table rows. That way there are no dependencies with whatever the Manager code is doing to modify styles or structure/content of the main table.

Also, I want to create a permanent and static text block (with our bank information) which is common for all invoices. Using the “Notes” field means pasting in the bank info separately into each invoice, which is prone to error.

I don’t know what “Liquid” is… Can you provide a reference? Looking at the existing templates, they appear to ultimately be rendered as compliant HTML (correct me if I’m wrong there). If that is the case, then is a compliant and standard tag since HTML 4. Check this link for details

Good hint about the logo. The logo I have is a 377KB PDF File. (An aside, if the size limit is 250KB the program should not let you upload a logo larger than that!). I’ll try changing both the size and format of the file. “Unsupported format” suggests the PDF renderer doesn’t like included PDF files (??)


Manager only supports graphic file formats. PDF is not one of them.
read this guide which clearly mentions the same

Liquid is a way to extend the capabilities of HTML and CSS beyond just static pages using dynamic templates. you can google to find more details.

while you can have tables within a table, you cannot have two separate tables.

You can set default Notes text from any sales invoice. This will affect all future sales invoices, but not existing ones. Use your HTML code in the default Notes field:

59 AM

If you don’t like the Notes title appearing, suppress it in your custom theme.