Lost data after update and i dont have a back up

I updated my manager free software after the program wouldn’t print i didn’t back up and lost 3 years of data. it has to be somewhere on my PC . Don’t know what kind of file to search for all i can find is the short cut file. i also realized that i had not ever backed up and my PC was not backing up! i know I know Stupid


Use search engine within file explorer to make a quick search for .manager file extension.

Ok i did that and got several files one has all 00000000000000 and one that has a bunch of random numbers both are from after the update and they are fresh copies if the soft ware

this is most probably your business data file. did you import the file to Manager?
read about restoring in this guide https://www.manager.io/guides/8890

@Mdonn1, did you read all of the first Guide @sharpdrivetek linked to above? It explains how to tell what the various files in the application data folder are and how to tell which is which. None is the software, fresh or otherwise. The software does not contain any of your data. These files are the various data files the software calls.

This should all be academic, anyway. If you installed the program update correctly, your business would still be visible on the Businesses page. The new version of the program looks in the same folder for business data as the old version. It updates the data file structure only if necessary to accommodate features added since you last updated. But it does not change any of the data you entered. If you are having this trouble, I suspect you did not install the update correctly. Since you mentioned a PC, I assume you are using Windows. Update according to this Guide: Install or update desktop edition on Windows | Manager.

I did read thru all the guide and I followed it I believe correctly I will try this new link you sent This afternoon thanks mark

There is one other possibility. Your old version of the program may be so outdated that Manager cannot make the necessary conversion. If that is true, @lubos will need to make the conversion for you after you send him your data file. Do you know what version number your old version was?

It was from 2016

I believe @lubos will have to convert your file. You are thousands of versions behind. He has been alerted.

@Mdonn1 if you can send me those .manager files to lubos@manager.io, I will be able to assist.


Thanks to you and Lubos he made it happen got me back up and running current I can’t tell you how thankful I am and want to wish you both a Very Merry Christmas and a great new year.