Lines on Invoices

Dear Team,

I created lines in purchase and sales invoices through custom fields option, I have never used them and have no intention. what is the process of deleting these lines as these are not required but due to repeated tries I could not delete them. can you help me in this regard… Thanks

You can edit/delete them going to Settings > Custom Fields > Purchase Invoice / Sales Invoice

they are not deletable

Tried Many times

Can you post a screenshot to determine it correctly

Typically, when something cannot be deleted in Manager, that is because you have used it or it has been referenced by a transaction. All such references must be deleted first.

But what did you mean by “I created lines…?” Did you mean line items? Those are not created by custom fields, and are deleted by clicking the X to the right of the line:

14 AM

If you are actually referring to columns (vertical) as opposed to lines (horizontal), that is a different story. Columns do not appear on completed forms unless there is something in them in at least one line item. (Description, Unit price, and Amount are exceptions. So again, you need to get rid of the unwanted entries before they will disappear.

Yes Tut, thanks for your reply actually they are columns created as lines

It is worth mentioning here that I have not used them at all. please help me to get rid of it… Thanks

looks like you have only deleted the text of those custom fields. you should delete the custom fields itself.

edit the custom field and select the red Delete button.

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Dear Thanks for your suggesstions, already applied all the options but these cloumns are not deletable at all.

can you post a screenshot of the edit screen for both custom fields?
also do you receive any error on top of your screen when you try to delete?

already shared and yes i do receive a long error

you never mentioned about the error you receive. post a screenshot of the error you receive.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Adding item number on invoices